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美点赏析这是一篇充满理性色彩的散文,作者却以感性的笔法含蓄地为读者解读了人生的密码。全文行文流畅,开篇切题,“我不敢说生命是什么,我只能说生命像什么”,从而提挈全篇。作者展开联想,先将“生命”比作“向东流的一江春水”,形象生动,那滚滚东流的江水,源自高原冰雪,聚百 Appreciation of beauty is a full of rational prose, but the author interpreted the password of life implicitly for readers. The full text is fluent and begins with questions, “I can not say what life is, I can only say that life is like something,” thus mentioning the whole article. Author Lenovo, the first “life” as “a river flowing eastward” vivid, that billowing river, from the plateau snow, poly hundred
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