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1.概述自1968年利用IS-Ⅲ卫星实现卫星通信以来,到近年来电视接收站的大量发展,卫星通信技术不断提高,各国在大中型地球站卫星通信系统方面得以飞速发展。随着卫星资源的丰富,小型化卫星通信天线也已成为卫星通信的发展方向。小型化卫星通信天线适用于地质考察的车载和远行作业 1. Overview Since the satellite communication was achieved in 1968 by using IS-III satellites, the development of satellite receiving stations has been greatly expanded in recent years. The satellite communication technology has been continuously improved and various countries have developed rapidly in the satellite communication systems of large and medium-sized earth stations. With the abundance of satellite resources, miniaturized satellite communication antennas have also become the development direction of satellite communications. Miniature satellite communication antenna for geological examination of the vehicle and remote operations
一这是第一节微理(微机理论)课。也没什么新鲜话题,好像每种科目的第一节课都是给老师和同学们聊天的。这次,也不例外。我感到特别的无聊和空虚。如 This is the first sect
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考试中,同学们常会遇到难以判断是用原级、比较级还是用最高级的情况。其实,识别形容词的比较等级并不难,只要找到一定的标志词,就能化难为易。    No.1 原级标志词  1. very, rather, quite, too, so, more, much too等通常修饰形容词的原级。  2. 在as…as和not so / as…as这两个短语中的两个as之间用原级。  中考传真:  1.(20
中弹的一刹那,我的脚一阵痉挛,接着是撕心裂肺般的疼痛。我曾想过像老鹰那样坚强地再飞起来,但我只奋力地拍动了一下双翼,便失去 In the moment of being shot, my feet fro
The doctor lives downstairs“Doctor,”she said loudly,bouncing into the room,“I want you to say frankly what′s wrong with me.”He surveyed her from head to fo
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