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在中国20年的改革开放中,非国有经济已经成为国民经济持续、快速增长的主要带动部门。这种变化调整了不同经济类型在国民经济中的投入、产出比重,使增长缓慢的国有经济的相对地位不断下降,逐步在上游产业集中,非国有经济的相对地位不断提高,在中、下游产业不断扩展。这是工业化中期中国经济增长格局的一个基本特征。但是,90年代中、后期以来,非国有经济的投入、产业增长率开始回落,这对国民经济的持续增长形成了负面影响,也对非国有经济的结构编差构成了前所未有的压力。校正这种结构偏差的一条捷径,是积极推进整体结构上较为合理的国有经济的改革,实现非国有经济布局的较快扩展。纠正这种结构偏差的主要制度选择,是非国有经济制度的自我完善,国有企业战略布局调整,政府积极推进市场体制的建设并扩大对外开放的范围。 In the two decades of reform and opening up in China, the non-state-owned economy has become the main driving force for the sustained and rapid growth of the national economy. This change adjusted the input and output proportion of different types of economy in the national economy, kept the relative status of the slow-growing state-owned economy declining, and gradually concentrated in the upstream industries. The relative status of the non-state-owned economy continued to increase. In the middle and lower reaches Industry continues to expand. This is a basic feature of the pattern of China’s economic growth in the mid-industrialization period. However, since the mid-1990s and the late 1990s, the non-state-owned economy’s investment and industrial growth rate have started to fall. This has negatively affected the sustained growth of the national economy and posed unprecedented pressure on the structural differences of the non-state-owned economy. A shortcut to correcting this structural deviation is to actively promote the reform of a more rational overall state-owned economy and to achieve a faster expansion of the non-state-owned economy. The main institutional options for correcting this structural deviation are the self-improvement of non-state-owned economic systems and the adjustment of the strategic layout of state-owned enterprises. The government is actively promoting the construction of a market system and expanding the scope of opening to the outside world.
中国人民银行首次详细披露了“9·11”事件对中国经济的可能影响。主要包括五大方面: 第一,对我贸易增长的影响。明年上半年开始我国的出口难度会进一步加大。 第二,对我储备增长的
在甲烷为反应气的化学电离质谱条件下,质子化的2-羟基-4-邻苯二甲酰亚胺基丁rrrrrrrrn酸的单分子质谱碎裂产生了m/z 148的碎片离子,表明其碎裂过程发生了氢迁移反应。AM1rrrrrrrrn分子轨道的