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患者男,57岁。1989年12月3日入院。患者于1987年初因全身不适,在当地医院发现右胸腔阴影,曾先后于右胸腔抽出血性液体约1500ml,经抗结核治疗无效。1988年11月起感易饥、多食、出汗、抽搐、昏迷,进食后可缓解。后发作逐渐频繁,由每月发作1次至每日1次,发作时血糖低于2.78mmol/L。体检:营养中等。气管偏左,右胸廓膨隆,右胸第二肋以下语颤减弱,叩诊浊音,呼吸音减弱。肝肋下6cm, Male patient, 57 years old. He was admitted to hospital on December 3, 1989. In early 1987, due to general malaise, the patient had a shadow in the right thoracic cavity in the local hospital. He had had a hemorrhagic fluid in the right thoracic cavity of about 1500 ml and was not treated with anti-tuberculosis therapy. In November 1988, she felt hunger, food, sweating, convulsions, and coma, and she was relieved after eating. The episodes gradually increased from 1 episode to 1 episode per month, and the episodes had blood glucose below 2.78 mmol/L. Physical examination: moderate nutrition. The left side of the trachea was bulging and the right thorax was bulging. The lingual trembling of the right rib below the second rib was weakened, and the voice was dulled and the breath sounds were weakened. The liver is 6cm under the ribs,
有的时候,面对孩子的淘气和不听话,不来点惩罚也是不太现实的,可是惩罚孩子也是一门艺术,我们一起来学习惩罚孩子的八个新鲜招式。 Sometimes, in the face of children’s
色彩之于孩子,就像空气之于万物那样自然。你把五颜六色的画笔放在孩子面前时,他们总会最先挑选最绚烂的颜色。 The color of the child, as the air of all things as natu
天气炎热,人的胃口就会变得很差,此时多吃一些开胃、爽口的菜肴,可以唤醒你的味蕾,让你增进食欲,美味和营养尽收腹中。以下 When the weather is hot, the appetite of the
周末逛街的任务中,除了挑选漂亮衣服,到美容院修身养性最重要的就属美食了,位于乐天银泰百货7层的美食区,雅玛花式铁板烧绝对让你不虚此行。 Weekend shopping tasks, in ad