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我局政研会现有团体会员单位9个,基层政研分会175个。去年以来,我们在上级政研会的指导和路局党委的领导下,认真学习贯彻党的十四届六中全会和十五大精神,紧紧围绕中心,努力在重点课题研究上作文章、下功夫,较好地发挥了研究成果在实际工作中的指导作用。 一、必须使研究工作的思路定位准确。强化重点课题研究,我们在实践中突出了三个坚持: 1、坚持围绕服务中心工作的研究定位。一是紧紧围绕路局党委的重点工作部署,着重进行自主效益型思政工作管理机制课题的对策研究。二是结合减员提效、扭亏增盈等深化改革措施,着重加强了摸清 At present, there are 9 group members in the Political Research Department of our bureau, and 175 grassroots political research branches. Since last year, under the guidance and guidance of the party committee under the guidance of the high-level political system and research institutes, we conscientiously study and implement the spirit of the 6th Plenary Session of the 14th CPC Central Committee and the 15th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, focus on the center, strive to make an issue in the research on key issues, Work hard, and give a good play to the guiding role of the research results in practical work. First, the research ideas must be accurately positioned. In order to reinforce the research on key issues, we highlighted three persistence in practice: 1. We insisted on the research orientation around the work of service centers. First, we will closely focus on the deployment of the key work arrangements of the party committees under the railway administrations and focus on the research on the topics of the management mechanism for self-benefit and benefitable ideological and political work. Second, deepen the reform measures in combination with downsizing and efficiency improvement, turnaround in deficits and increase of profits, with a focus on strengthening the investigation
战略大师迈克尔·波特说,合作关系(partnerships)会侵蚀竞争优势。本文作者针锋相对地指出,波特大师错了,合作关系已经成为企业成功的核心因素。 Strategy guru Michael Por
2014年,中央一号文件提出加强以大型农产品批发市场为骨干、覆盖全国的市场流通网络建设,开展公益性农产品批发市场建设试点。为此,河北省保定市按照“政府主导、公益优先、市场运营、专业管理”原则,不断加大对保定公益性农产品批发市场的资金投入和政策支持力度。  2013年,保定市工农路农产品批发市场实现交易额26亿元,保障了保定市区夏季70%、冬季90%的蔬菜供应。  保定公益农产品批发市场发展并未止步
国内对螺旋CT(SCT)的原理、技术及临床应用已有简介,本文就肝脏的造影剂应用和延迟时间的设置机理、各种病变的SCT表现及特殊检查方法等研究现状加以阐述。 The principle, tec