实践“三个代表”重要思想 开创高校科技工作新局面——在全省高校科技工作座谈会上的讲话

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同志们:为贯彻《中共四川省委教育工委四川省教育厅2004年工作要点》精神,今天省教育厅邀请全省42所高校科技处长召开全省高校科技工作座谈会,总结交流我省高校去年取得的成绩和经验,部署安排今年的工作;分析高校科技工作面临的新情况,研究讨论全省高校的科技工作如何贯彻省委、省政府印发的《关于促进人才资源向人才资本转变的若干意见》,开创我省高校科技工作的新局面。一、2003年全省高校科研工作回顾2003年,全省高校认真贯彻党的十六大精神,深化改革,不断探索,在争取科研任务和经费,推进产学研结合,促进科技成果转化等方面做了大量工作,出台了许多有效的政策措施,取得了新的成绩。主要体现在: Comrades: In order to carry out the spirit of the “Work Points of the Education Department of Sichuan Province CPC Committee of Sichuan Province in 2004”, today the Provincial Department of Education invites 42 science and technology chiefs of colleges and universities in the province to hold scientific and technological work symposiums of colleges and universities in the province and sum up exchanges in our province The achievements and experience made by the universities last year and the arrangements for this year's work; analyzes the new situation confronting the university's science and technology work, and studies and discusses how the provincial science and technology work carried out by provincial and municipal governments on how to implement the “ Several Opinions, ”creating a new situation of science and technology work in colleges and universities in our province. I. Review of Scientific Research Work by Universities in 2003 In 2003, colleges and universities in the province conscientiously implemented the spirit of the 16th National Congress of the CPC, deepened reform and continued exploration, strived for scientific research tasks and funding, promoted the integration of industry, education and research, and promoted the transformation of scientific and technological achievements A lot of work, promulgated a number of effective policies and measures, has made new achievements. mainly reflects in:
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在高中物理教学中,课堂教学是主要的教学组织形式和活动方式。在教学中,我把“五带进”带进课堂收到了良好的教学效果,下面和各位交流一下我的做法。 In high school physic