The authors performed an MRI study of 18 patients who had been biopsy-proven for prostate cancer and suspected bone metastases. In addition, evidence of bone metastases was found on MRI in 6 cases of D2 prostate cancer, and MRI follow-ups were performed occasionally in hormone therapy patients. MRI was performed on 0.5T, T_1-weighted (TR/TE=450/20) scans of bone and metastatic lymph nodes, including 0.5cm layer thickness sagittal plane imaging from the lumbosacral joint to the highest possible height (usually the middle neck). A 1.0 cm slice of the pelvis from the bifurcation of the abdominal aorta was transected and imaged. If the patient has symptoms suggesting possible bone metastases, in addition to obtaining a T_1 weighted image of the spine and pelvic region,