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近些年,随着社会对安全问题的重视,安防行业得到了迅猛的发展,但是,作为一个只有30年发展历程的新兴产业,大多数企业的知识产权意识还较为薄弱,侵权现象尤为严重,这已经成为制约中国安防行业发展的一大障碍。其中,专利侵权占到了知识产权诉讼的很大比例。受害企业应当尽量通过法律途径来维护自己的合法权益,并给予不法侵权者有力的打击和惩戒。而诉讼时效,是启动诉讼的一个前置问题。本文将为企业介绍我国法律对于专利侵权诉讼时效的若干规定,以期为企业维权提供帮助。诉讼时效,亦称消灭时效,是指在一定期间内不行使权利而将其请求权消灭的法律事实。知识产权请求权因时效消灭并不导致知识产权的根本消灭,只是针对特定的侵权行为人的请求权消灭。在我国有关知识产权立法中,仅于专利法中对诉讼时效作出简要、明示规定,基于知识产权侵权行为的持续性以及法律适用的统一性,我国专利法在2000年再次修订后,最高人民法院于2001年6月22日发布了《关于审理专利纠纷案件适用法律问题的若干规定》(下文简称若干规定),此司法解释对侵犯专利权的诉讼时效问题进一步细化规定为:“权利人超过2年起诉的,如果侵权行为在起诉时仍在继续,在该项专利权有效期内,人民法院应当判决被告停止侵害行为,侵权损害赔偿应当自权利人向人民法院起诉之日向前推算两年计算。”这一规定,有其合理性和可行性,在我国的现行知识产权维护状况中也有现实意义,但仍需借鉴外国先进立法,加以完善。 In recent years, with the social emphasis on security issues, the security industry has witnessed rapid development. However, as a newly-emerged industry with only 30 years of development history, the awareness of most intellectual property enterprises is still relatively weak and infringement is particularly serious. This has become a major obstacle to the development of China’s security industry. Among them, patent infringement accounted for a large proportion of intellectual property litigation. The victimized enterprises should try their best to safeguard their legal rights and interests by law and provide powerful blows and punishments to unlawful infringers. The limitation of action is a prerequisite for launching a lawsuit. This article will introduce some provisions of our law on the limitation of patent infringement litigation, with a view to providing help for the protection of corporate rights. The limitation of action, also known as extinction limitation, refers to the legal fact that the right of claim is not extinguished within a certain period of time. The elimination of intellectual property claims due to time limitation does not result in the eradication of intellectual property rights at all, but the elimination of the claims of specific infringers. In our country’s intellectual property legislation, the patent law only makes a brief and explicit provision on the limitation of lawsuit. Based on the continuity of the infringement of intellectual property rights and the uniformity of applicable law, after China’s patent law was revised again in 2000, the Supreme People’s Court On June 22, 2001, “Several Provisions Concerning the Application of Legal Issues in the Trial of Patent Disputes Cases” (hereinafter referred to as the “Several Provisions”) were promulgated on the 22nd of June 2001, which further stipulated that the limitation of lawsuits for infringement of patent rights should be specified as follows: “The rights holder If the infringement is still being prosecuted for more than 2 years, the people’s court should adjudge the defendant to stop the infringement during the period of the patent infringement. The compensation for infringement damages should be calculated forward two years from the day when the right-holder sued the people’s court Calculation. ”This regulation has its rationality and feasibility. It also has practical significance in the current state of intellectual property protection in our country, but it still needs to learn advanced foreign legislation to improve it.
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