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  Abstract:The Plague is an existentialist work written by the French existentialist master Albert Camus. It expresses the author's reflection and understanding of the existence and development of human beings in the absurd world. In the face of the COVID-19 epidemic raging around the world,China's idea of "a community with a shared future for mankind" is a powerful explanation of the truth:only the collective spirit can lead the anti-COVID-19 campaign of all countries to the ultimate victory. In the face of major epidemics and disasters,it is all the more important for mankind to build a sense of "a community with a shared future for mankind",truly realizing the beautiful vision of sharing a common destiny and building a harmonious home of the human world.
  Key words:The Plague;Absurdity;A community of shared future for mankind;Humanistic Value
  I. Introduction
  "The Plague" is an existential work created by the French existentialist,Albert Camus,in 1947. The novel tells about the various situations of the small town Oran under the plague invaded by the quarantine after the plague. The process of various people such as Tharu fighting against the plague expressed the author's reflection and understanding of the state of human existence and development in the absurd world.
  Literally,the word "absurd" means "unreasonable and conventional;incongruous,unreasonable,and illogical"[1]45. In existential philosophy,the term "absurdity" is used to describe an irrational survival situation commonly faced by modern people:being thrown into an absurd world that lacks beliefs,violates conventions,and is illogical,and has nowhere to escape. As a result,the behavior has become nihilistic. How to face the absurdity and exist in absurdity becomes the only thing he can do. Such absurd behaviors in turn aggravate the existence of absurdity in the human world.
  It is through The Plague that Camus implies such a universal feeling of human destiny:the absurdity of human society,and the "absurdity" is derived from the depression,emptiness and even despair of human experience. When creating The Plague,Camus wrote in his "Notes":"I tried to use the plague to express the suffocation we suffered and the threatened and exiled environment we experienced. At the same time,I also want to put this expression to the overall concept of survival. The Plague will describe the images of those who have experienced thought,silence,and mental pain during the war."   II. The "Individual Absurdity" in The Plague
  Existentialism believes that the objective world is a "free" existence,and people in this world have existed "for themselves",and everyone has the right to make "free choice". People who are "for themselves" live in this "free" world can only encounter obstacles,restrictions and misfortunes,and often feel disgusted,sick and painful. When the plague occurred,different people had different reactions and psychological changes. Father Pajolu is a religious fatalist. When he preached,he passionately preached that the plague was God's punishment for unfaithful believers,calling on people to accept God's arrangements,give up fearless efforts and follow God's will. It can be seen that he completely ignores precious human life,denies human subjective initiative and value,thereby obliterating human nature. Lambert is another character with a little "absurdity" in the novel. The young reporter said:“ I came to Oran by accident. I have nothing to do with this place,and there is absolutely no reason to stay here." [2]59 When the plague spread,he always thought that it didn't matter to him,because he was just an outsider. For him,as a foreigner,this strange city has never overlapped with him. He had thousands of reasons to leave. Outsiders like him should not be stranded in the city. It was Oran's own business which was none of his business. Furthermore,his beloved girlfriend was still looking forward to him in Paris,but the plan to get married at the end of the year was affected by the current "closure of the city" in Oran and the turbulent situation of the plague;therefore,he used his professional advantage as a reporter to communicate with all levels of government agencies,trying everything possible to escape this plague-ridden city.
  The novel also focused on a typically negative character who gloated for misfortune and took advantage of the fire — the "co-conspirator" of the plague and the profiteer,Kotar. While most people were suffering from the physical and mental torture brought to them by the plague,Kotar applauded the arrival of the plague. He had a case before the epidemic. After the plague,the materials in Oran were severely lacking due to the "closure of the city",but Kotar took the opportunity to speculate and made a fortune. He also tried his best to hope that the plague would survive forever in the world;When the fight against plague was triumphant,the more the citizens rejoiced,the more sad and frustrated he was. In the end,he shot the crowd frantically,and was eventually arrested in accordance with the law. The ravages of the plague not only failed to curb his crimes,but made him worse off. The victory of the war against the plague deprived him of hope and illusion. It can be seen that the plague has caused the upside-down and collapse of the system of good and evil,causing the original rational order of the world to collapse. In this environment,people can only suffer from feelings of depression,alienation,and sense of absurdity.   III. The "Collective Absurdity" in The Plague
  In addition to expressing the "individual absurdity",The Plague also focused on portraying the "collective absurdity" represented by the Oran government. When the Provincial Health Committee held a meeting under pressure,the wishes expressed by most people were neither seeking a cure for this suspected disease nor informing the public as soon as possible to prevent it,but taking a calm and wait-and-see attitude on the one hand,but arrogant and optimistic on the other hand. This kind of fear and escape from reality,completely apathetic to prevent the tragedy from happening,was really absurd and ignorant. They actually lived in the world of their own subjective conjectures,sat and waited to die,gained a kind of psychological comfort by deceiving themselves or spreading false facts to others without making any resistance,which intensified the absurdity of tragedy. At the beginning of the plague epidemic,when deaths occurred in every hospital one after another,"plague" was a taboo term in Oran City,and even the word "rat" had to be kept silent. The upright and authoritative doctor Rieus was distraught and hurriedly called Richard,the chairman of the local medical association,but got the answer:"Sorry,but I can't do anything. Such orders can only be issued by the province."[2]22 Although Rieux insisted again and again,Richal repeatedly buckled,emphasizing that this was outside of his authority and all he could do was to report the matter to the province. As the chairman of the Medical Association,Richier was both a professional authority and an administrative leader. His dodge and refusal here reflected to a certain extent the ineffectiveness and inaction of the functional departments,which was originally their jobs. Castell was a true epidemiological scientist in the novel,but he was not seen by the government because of his unrestricted and unrestrained speech,although he had repeatedly warned that "it happened in Paris almost 20 years ago","I hope this time will not be worse than then" [2] 26,but no one paid attention and listened to him. Not only that,but the news media as government spokespersons were also lagging behind:"For mouse news,local newspapers that do not hesitate to page are now silent. Because mice die on the street;people die in their own homes. Newspapers only care about what's on the street. At the same time,the government and administrative officials are meeting and discussing....No one will consider taking action." [2] 25-26 In a sense,the media that helped conceal the epidemic became an "accomplice" in disguise of the plague ravaged. What pitiful and innocent people of Oran City! They suffered the slaughter of the plague because of the bureaucracy,absurdity,and ignorance of the Oran City government,paying the price of their lives.   The small town of Oran surrounded by the plague described in The Plague itself was the epitome of another collective absurdity,symbolizing a living environment that gave people a sense of absurdity:before the plague hit,the city of Oran was a city without temperature. A lifeless city. Oran people "look at life,work and love with a fanatical and inattentive attitude. The truth is that everyone is bored,so they focus on cultivating their own hobbies. Our citizens work hard,but the only goal is to get rich."[2]3 Their main interest is in business,as they said,the main purpose of their lives was to do business. Getting rich was the only goal of the Oran people. They advocated "money first",which was morbid,distorted and absurd in nature. At the beginning of the plague,the citizens of Oran ignored it and still went their own way. When a large number of rats died abnormally,people even lacked basic precautions. No one believed that disasters would come to their own heads. "Everyone understands that the plague has a way to recur in the world;however,it is difficult for us to believe that disasters will fall on our own. On the head"[2]27. "They thought that the plague was impossible and continued to do business,continue to arrange travel,continue to do their own things." [2] 29 When the plague raged,the Oran City instantly became an isolated "island":the economy stagnated,and the number of unemployed people increased dramatically. To survive,people took risks without hesitation. Panic,fear,and malaise flooded the city. Plague patients might die,or they might be forcibly isolated. People were used to the roar of ambulances,cold statistics on death toll,and even random piles of corpses that were difficult to distinguish. They just allowed the plague to run wild. Living people avoided meeting even seeing each other in order to save their lives,gradually becoming cold,numb,and ignorant;family love was indifferent,trust was nothing,no one cared about other people's affairs,everyone is worried,trapped in loneliness and couldn’t extricate themselves. The entire society had lost the warmth that could comfort all suffering,and life had lost its original value. As a result,the original system of good and evil in society was reversed,morals and ethics collapsed,and the real world lost its rationality and harmony and became absurd and ridiculous. In the face of this absurd situation,people can only feel confused,depressed,helpless and desperate. It seems that people are alive and have no practical meaning. This sense of loneliness,alienation,and strangeness caused by the closedness of existence is exactly the common survival dilemma faced by modern people.   IV. The reflection behind the "absurdity":the humanistic value of the "community with a shared future for mankind"
  The plague may have been lurking around mankind,and it may erupt at any time. It symbolizes the survival dilemma faced by mankind. The "absurd" living beings in The Plague can not help but make readers reflect:The plague is about life and death,and is a major common history facing mankind. It is the common duty and responsibility of everyone to face and defeat the plague,which just powerfully proves that the idea of a "community with a shared future for mankind" put forward by the Chinese government is very reasonable,scientific and forward-looking. General Secretary Xi Jinping said:"The common historical experience,common development tasks and common strategic interests bind us closely together." [4]16 In the difficult time of fighting the new coronavirus plague,with a highly responsible spirit and attitude,the Chinese government has taken strong measures to fully implement the idea of "community with a shared future for mankind":deploy the national health system to strengthen on-duty duty,keep a close eye on the work across the country,resolutely implement epidemic prevention and control measures,treat patients with all-out efforts,do a good job Information issuance and international cooperation,and intensify the scientific research on epidemic prevention and control. Under the effective and powerful management,rescue and support of the government,"Those who are mortals but refuse to give in to the plague,regardless of their own plight,will do their best to save the world and save others."[2]212
  With the strong will,perseverance,hard work,courage,unity,fraternity,and willingness of dedication and sacrifice,the Chinese medical workers,criminal police officers,and all the ordinary people from all walks of life and all ordinary volunteers on the front line showed the heroic feats of the new era,and finally led the people of the whole country to defeat the virus without bothering about the gains and losses. They are true "heroes",and their bodies are shining with the brilliance of "civilian heroes",which is the new meaning of "heroes" in the new era.
  "The plague is lurking in everyone,because no one,yes,no one in the world can be protected from it." [2]210 It reminds the world that it is everyone's responsibility to protect the earth shared by everyone living together. When human beings encounter disasters and face common threats,personal happiness does not exist and cannot be realized. Because in the face of absurdity,"individual destiny no longer exists,leaving behind just the collective sufferings." [3]364 China's victory in the fight against the new crown epidemic is a great victory for mankind as a community with a common destiny. The results of this collective fight against the epidemic include humanitarianism that actually saved the lives of countless infected people;spiritual optimism that overcomes and dispels human fear and pain;and mankind collectivism,solidarity,friendship,mutual help and other group values reflected in the practice of a community with a shared future. This also shows that only the collective spirit can lead the current anti-epidemic activities of all countries in the world to victory.   V. Conclusion
  The plague is the earth's revenge for all kinds of human evils,but it is also kind reminders and warnings. It awakens human beings from the dream of omnipotence and the "ruler of nature",forcing humans to reflect on their relationship with ecology and the environment,realize that humans and other animals live on the same earth,and realize that Human beings are still small and weak in front of nature and should be aware of the limitations of being human. In addition,in the process of responding to the plague,the stubborn social illnesses and institutional defects that are usually hidden are all exposed,which is just good for people to prescribe the right medicine and promote the progress and perfection of society. At present,the epidemic in China has been basically controlled and stabilized. However,the overseas epidemics,especially in the United States and the European continent,are still raging wildly. At this time,the greater challenge facing mankind is to reflect on how to rebuild the modern nature-society-human ethics relationship to avoid a repeat of the tragedy. In the face of major disasters,when Gods cannot manifest and bless,and all mankind suffer from the same deadly disease or major threat,all the people in the world should choose a common path of rebirth:"Human beings should actively seek changes after thinking carefully about their own survival crisis in the natural and social fields. "[4]28 to reshape human order,rebuild a happy home,and return to world harmony. When facing disasters,human beings need to establish a sense of "community with a shared future for mankind",remain rational,believe in science,learn to realize the value of individual subjectivity in the process of self-help,and establish mutual assistance relationships with others to jointly maintain social order and consensus. Participating in rescue,only in this way can mankind retain the hope and possibility of recovery,and truly realize the beautiful vision of all mankind breathing together,sharing a common destiny,and building a harmonious home.
  [1]Esslin,Martin. The Absurdity of the Absurd [J]. Trans. Chen Mei. Foreign Drama,1980,1.
  [2]Camus. Plague [M]. The Complete Works of Camus:Volume 1. Shijiazhuang:Hebei Education Press,2002.
  [3]Camus. Camus Collected Works [M]. Trans. Guo Hongan,et al. Nanjing:Yilin Press,1999.
  [4]Xi jin ping. On building a community with a shared future for mankind[M].Beijing:Central Literature Press,2018
【摘 要】幼儿园集团化是新时期幼儿教育改革只能够新兴的一种办园方式,其不仅实现了幼儿教育资源的整合与拓展,在农村地区的运用还为农村幼儿教育的发展注入了新的“生命力”。就此,本文主要从幼儿教师培训工作、教学管理指导建设和园内游戏活动形式几方面入手,就农村幼儿园集团化管理实践展开进一步探究。  【关键词】农村;幼儿园;集团化管理  在新时期幼儿教育改革的背景引领之下,注重发展农村幼儿教育,是缩减城乡教
【摘 要】中国传统美术中体现了意象艺术的艺术性和感染力。意象艺术的独特魅力促使意象元素应用到多种绘画形式中,特别是已经在中国得到长时间发展的油画创作中。虽然油画是西方绘画艺术的一种表达形式,但是随着中西方文化的不断融合,许多画家在油画创作中融入意象元素,注重绘画意境的表达,展现了独特的艺术美感和魅力,彰显了独特的民族审美和中国文化精神。本文介绍了意象思维和意象元素相关理论知识,探索了意象元素在油画
【摘 要】信息科技发展越来越迅速,人们之间的距离也变的越来越近,人类交流沟通的方式也发生了翻天覆地的变化,英语也成为拉近全球人民之间距离的重要手段。在小学生阶段开展英语游戏教学不仅符合社会发展趋势,也能促进孩子思维的开发,英语在小学生的各方面的发展中可以起一个促进作用,锻炼小学生的想象力。英语课堂的设计也要以小学生的年龄特点、趣味游戏等方式来展开,小学生易于接受,教师课堂效率也能提高。  【关键词
【摘 要】教育教学的根本目标即为能够为社会培养出更多优秀、具有创新精神与创新能力的人才。只有大胆的创新与改革才可以有效促进社会的发展与进步。小学阶段是人生的基础教育阶段,所以在此阶段就要加强对学生创新意识与创新能力的培养。作为培养学生创新能力的重要途径,小学数学教学担负着培养学生创新意识与创新能力的重要职责,因此在实际教学中,教师就要积极地开展创新教育,进而全面提高小学数学教学质量,促进学生创新意
【教材分析】  《猫》选自部编版小学语文四年级下册第四单元。本单元以“作者笔下的动物”为主题,告诉我们动物是人类的朋友,它与我们人类共同生活在同一片蓝天下,善待动物就是善待我们人类自己。  这篇课文细致、生动地描写了猫的古怪性格和它小时候的淘气可爱,字里行间都流露出作者对猫的喜爱之情,也渗透着作者对生活的热爱。本文观察细致、内容充实、语言生动,为学生提供了绝好的读写范例。教学中我们应从课文本身的特
【摘 要】在当前阶段教育改革深入完善的背景下,如何有效提高教学质量已经成为了重点部分,需要广大知识传授者在教学的过程中进行探究与思考,由于传统的教学观念在教师的心中已经根深蒂固,许多教师难以进行有效的转变,造成了教学效果不佳。所以,初中音乐课程教学过程中教师需要紧随新课程标准的完善,有效调整自身的教育观念,在教学过程中应用更加有效的方式,不断探究提高教学有效性的途径,从而有效实现更加科学化的教学模
【摘 要】本项目设计的是一款基于变磁耦合谐振的M×N阵列式移相控制的中功率无线充电系统,可应用于机器人、无人机等产品,特别是针对移动机器人的无线充电。磁耦合谐振式无线充电具有传输距离远,辐射较低的特性,但此种充电方式效率较低,且发射功率较低。所以本团队提出一种变拓扑磁耦合谐振通过移相控制的新型M×N阵列式线圈的结构,以提高磁耦合谐振式无线充电的传输效率和传输功率,具有很高的实用价值。  【关键词】
【摘 要】小学语文阅读教学是小学语文教学中的重要组成部分,有利于培养学生的逻辑思维能力和语言表达能力。随着教学改革的推进,其对小学语文教学提出了更高的要求。教师要重视对学生阅读能力的培养,注重学生综合素质的提升。学好语文,具备一定的阅读能力能够为其他学科的学习打下坚实的基础。  【关键词】语文阅读教学;理解能力  中图分类号:G623.1 文献标识码:A  引言  在语文课程中,阅读是一项重要内容
【摘 要】文化是一国之精神力量,其丰富着人们的精神世界,在人们认识世界和改造世界的过程中转化为物质力量。传统文化是现代众多文化的“根”,美术作为一门多方面体现着文化素养和文化传承的学科,离不开传统文化的氛围,所以一定要注重构建美术教学和传统文化之间的联系桥梁,从而促进传统文化的有效传递。  【关键词】小学美术;传统文化;有机结合;策略  引言  中华大地有着上下五千年的悠久历史,中华文化源远流长。
【摘 要】工程教育认证是提升专业质量的重要手段,实践教学是培养学生动手能力的重要途径。本文提出把工程教育认证转化为实践教学的具体要求,对工程教育认证中的要求和标准进行分解,转化为课程大纲的知识点要求,指导课程实践案例设计,进而把案例集成进实践教学平台,用于对学生的实践训练和考核。  【关键词】工程教育认证;软件工程专业;实践教学改革  1专业面临的问题  软件工程专业是实践性较强的专业,学生的学习