山东省菏泽药材站“年产1000吨保健红花油系列产品项目”于1994年元月11日在菏泽通过了专家论证。来自国际红花组织、中科院植物所、国内贸易部、中国保健食品协会等20个单位的33名领导和专家参加了论证会。 该项目的主要产品是精炼保健红花油。经研究分析,红花(籽)油中的亚油酸含量是已知植物油中最高的(可达76~83%),因而它对降低高血压、胆固醇、软化血管、预防动脉粥样硬化、改善微循环、改
Heze Medicine Station in Shandong Province “1000 tons of health care safflower oil products project” was approved by experts on January 11th, 1994 in Heze. Thirty-three leaders and experts from 20 organizations including the International Safflower Organization, the Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Plants, the Ministry of Domestic Trade, and the China Health Food Association attended the demonstration meeting. The main product of this project is refined health care safflower oil. After research and analysis, the linoleic acid content in safflower (seed) oil is the highest (up to 76-83%) in known vegetable oils, so it reduces high blood pressure, cholesterol, softens blood vessels, prevents atherosclerosis, Improve microcirculation, change