
来源 :人民之声 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yangguaiguai
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以网购为代表的电子商务的崛起壮大,既是新经济业态的鲜明标志,也深刻改变了公众的生活方式。然而电商行业高歌猛进的成长过程中,也滋生了恶性竞争、诚信缺失、欺诈侵权等诸多乱象,消费者在享受网购快捷廉价的同时,亦遭遇了假货盛行、信息泄露、维权困难等种种烦恼。正是在此背景下,电子商务法草案于去年年底进入全国人大常委会一审程序,无疑是一次直面社会热点、牵动各方利益的重大立法行动。 The rise and growth of e-commerce, represented by online shopping, is not only a clear sign of the new economy but also a profound change in the public’s life style. However, during the ups and downs of the e-commerce industry, many chaos such as vicious competition, lack of good faith and fraud and infringement have also arisen. While enjoying the fast and cheap online shopping, consumers also encounter such problems as the prevalence of fake goods, the disclosure of information and the difficulty of safeguarding their rights. upset. It is against this background that the draft e-commerce law entered the first instance procedure of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress at the end of last year and is undoubtedly a major legislative move that confronts social hot spots and affects the interests of all parties.
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