
来源 :河南科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gaolaoshi
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玉米是河南省的主要粮食作物之一。其面积、总产量仅次于小麦,居秋粮之首。但与邻近气候条件相似的山东省相比,面积、单产都有很大差距。本文试图通过对1983-1989年我省大面推广的玉米杂交种之分析,找出限制全省玉米产量徘徊不前的杂交种因素,为今后杂交种利用提出意见。一、1983-1989年杂交种利用情况国内外生产实践证明,在玉米增产的诸因素中,杂交种的作用占30-40%。回顾我省玉米生产历史也可以清楚地看出,我省玉米产量的不断提高,也是不断更换优良杂交种的结果。从1983-1989年共7年 Corn is one of the major food crops in Henan Province. Its area, total output second only to wheat, ranking first in autumn grain. However, compared with the similar climate in Shandong Province, there is a big gap in area and yield. This article attempts to find out the factors that limit the corn production in the whole province from stagnating by analyzing the maize hybrids popularized in our province from 1983 to 1989, and put forward the opinions for the future utilization of hybrids. First, the use of hybrids 1983-1989 Production practices at home and abroad have proved that in the corn yield factors, the role of hybrids accounted for 30-40%. Recalling the history of corn production in our province can also clearly see that the continuous improvement of corn production in our province, but also the result of continuous replacement of excellent hybrids. From 1983 to 1989 a total of 7 years
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