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3月1日,广东省珠江航运公司宣布属下内河客运停航后,引起社会和业内人士们的严重关注。我国内河航运向何处去?今年人大政协两会期间,不少代表为此发出呼吁,献计献策,并指出:只有加快建设,更新设备,调整结构,才是唯一出路。内河航运是一个古老的行业,但绝不是走向衰亡的夕阳行业。在今天,即使是经济发达、交通设施非常完善的国家,如欧洲,内河航运仍占有其重要地位,发挥着其它运输方式不可替代的作用。广东是我国内河航运大有,内河航运在广东济发展中占有一定的地位。改革开放以来,广东内河航运事业受到国家和政府的重视。目前,西江、北江正在建设航运重点工程,这些工程的实施,对广东的现代化建设,支持党中央提出的西部大开发战略具有重要意义,并为广东内河航运事业的发展带来生机和希望。《广东交通》本期集中转载有关报导,以帮助读者了解广东内河航运困境和存在问题,并为此发表意见,以支持和促进广东内河航运事业的发展。 On March 1, Pearl River Shipping Co., Ltd. of Guangdong Province, after announcing its suspension of passenger transport by inland waterway, aroused serious concern from the community and the people in the trade. During the NPC and CPPCC sessions, many deputies made specific suggestions and made suggestions in this regard. They pointed out: Only by accelerating the construction, updating equipment and adjusting the structure is the only way out. Inland shipping is an ancient industry, but by no means is the sunset industry going to decline. Today, even in economically developed and well-established transport facilities such as Europe, inland shipping still holds an important place in the world and plays an irreplaceable role in other forms of transport. Guangdong is a great source for China’s inland waterways and inland navigation holds a certain place in the development of Guangdong. Since the reform and opening up, the inland shipping industry in Guangdong has received the attention of the state and the government. At present, the key projects of shipping are under construction in the Xijiang River and the Beijiang River. The implementation of these projects is of great significance to the modernization of Guangdong and support of the strategy for the grand development of the Western Regions proposed by the Party Central Committee. It will also bring vitality and hope to the development of the inland waterway shipping industry in Guangdong. This issue of “Guangdong Transport” focuses on reprinting this report to help readers understand the plight and problems of inland river trade in Guangdong and express their opinions to support and promote the development of the inland waterway transport industry in Guangdong.