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1945年8月日本投降时,我正在昆明。后来在《华商报》负责的刘思慕、萨空了、高天诸位老师,当时也都在昆明。他们都是我先认识,后来在香港中国新闻学院当老师的。我认识刘思慕老师是在桂林沦陷前夕。当时我随前华商报总编辑胡仲持逃亡到昭平,住在广西日报社。在我们路经平乐时,就同刘思慕老师住在一起。虽然是在逃亡途中,刘思慕老师和广西日报总编辑莫迺群仍编印号外,把战争情况及时地报道给读者。他 When Japan surrendered in August 1945, I was in Kunming. Later in the “Chinese Business Daily” responsible for Liu Simu, Sa empty, high heaven you teachers, were also in Kunming. They were all I first met and later became a teacher at the China Institute of Journalism in Hong Kong. I know Liu Simu teacher is in eve of the fall of Guilin. At that time I was with the former editor of China Commercial Daily, Hu Chung-kai fled to Zhaoping, living in Guangxi Daily. As we walked through Pingle, we stayed with Teacher Liu Silu. Although he was on the runway, Liu Simu and Guangxi Daily Chief Editor Mo 迺 Qun still printed the number, and reported the war to the readers in a timely manner. he
By using coordinate transformation method, this paper obtains an useful equation of designing meta-material cloaks embedded in anisotropic medium. This equation
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扬辐籼2号系用300Gyγ射线辐照 IR_(1529)-68-3-2的突变体选育而成。具有高产、稳产、多抗、优质等特性,一般产量8250kg/hm~2,高产田块可达9000—9750kg/hm~2,比当地推广良种
First principles calculations within the projected augmented-wave (PAW) method, using the local spin density approximation plus U (LSDA+U) scheme, show that the
The elastic scattering properties of ultracold 133Cs2 triplet state are investigated in detail. We construct a potential curve of the 133Cs2 triplet state, base
This paper studies the structure and electronic properties of Li4Ti5O12, as anode material for lithium ion batteries,from first principles calculations. The res