古根海姆博物馆以连锁的方式运营,在全球建立了5大分馆。将来自全世界的优秀艺术品集中在基金会旗下的博物馆进行集中展览,并通过与全球不同国家、机构进行合作,将欧美艺术品输送到世界的每个角落。1938年的1月,佩吉在伦敦开办了一家现代艺术画廊。在众多朋友的帮助和建议下,画廊运营得非常成功。达达主义画家马塞尔·杜尚(Marcel Duchamp)是佩吉于1920年前后在巴黎生活时结识的一位老友。正是他为佩吉介绍了众多画家,教导她当代艺术与审美格调,并为画廊的几次展览出谋划策。此外,佩吉也会承办一些雕塑或综合展览,参展者不乏如今人们眼中的经典现代艺术大师。
Guggenheim Museum operates in a chain fashion and has five branches in the world. Focusing on outstanding art works from all over the world in the museums under the Foundation and carrying out cooperation with different countries and agencies around the world to deliver European and American artwork to every corner of the world. In January 1938, Peggy opened a modern art gallery in London. With the help and advice of many friends, the gallery operated very successfully. Dartism painter Marcel Duchamp was an old friend of Peggy who met in Paris before and after 1920. It was he who introduced many painters to Peggy, taught her contemporary art and aesthetic style, and gave advice and suggestions on several galleries. In addition, Peggy will also host some sculptures or comprehensive exhibitions, exhibitors no lack of modern people who master the masters of modern arts.