
来源 :磷肥与复肥 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wxj1208
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化肥中镉的限量越来越受到社会的普遍关注,但其立法过程受到相关利益方的阻碍。本文对欧洲和中国镉问题立法过程进行了回顾和总结,指出磷肥中镉的问题实际是两种观点的博奕:一是施用含镉磷肥和其它镉源有可能带来危害人类健康的风险;二是微量的镉含量对人类和生态不会造成危害。在欧洲,化肥中镉问题的博奕主要在欧委会和欧洲化肥生产协会之间进行;而在中国,博奕发生在中国和美国的贸易政策之间。根据当前中国实际,笔者建议:分阶段建立镉问题标准,降低镉问题风险。即:定性认识阶段,对磷肥中镉含量大于8mg/kg的化肥进行强制性标识;定量认识阶段,对化肥中镉进行限量立法。 The limit of cadmium in fertilizer is getting more and more social attention, but the legislative process is hindered by the stakeholders. This paper reviews and summarizes the process of legislation on cadmium in Europe and China and points out that the issue of cadmium in phosphate fertilizer is actually a game between two viewpoints: first, the risks of using cadmium-containing phosphate and other cadmium sources may bring harm to human health; Trace amounts of cadmium do not harm humans and the environment. In Europe, the game of cadmium in chemical fertilizers is mainly conducted between the European Commission and the European Fertilizer Production Association; in China, the game takes place between China and the United States in trade policies. According to the current actual situation in China, the author suggests: to establish a cadmium standard in stages so as to reduce the risk of cadmium problems. Namely: Qualitative understanding of the stage, the phosphorus fertilizer in the cadmium content greater than 8mg / kg of fertilizer mandatory identification; Quantitative understanding of the stage, the limited amount of cadmium fertilizer legislation.
1 故障现象rn进入扫描计划后,CT机架开始旋转,但“曝光取消键”闪数下熄灭后,屏幕上提示:“Error in Offset Data Acquisition”,任何扫描都不能进行.rn2 故障分析rn该故障较
第一章总则  第一条为了进一步规范绿色食品产品质量年度抽检(以下简称产品抽检)工作,加强对产品抽检工作的管理,提高产品抽检工作的科学性、公正性、权威性,依据《绿色食品标志
患者男,48岁.摔伤后肿痛,活动受限3 d.专科情况:右小腿全长较健侧粗大,表面皮肤呈暗红色,可见明显色素沉着,触之皮温高,压痛剧烈,可触及明显骨擦感及异常动度.胫腓骨正侧位X
银屑病并发天疱疮临床少见,两种疾病治疗存在矛盾.该例患者有银屑病病史7年,20 d前出现水疱、糜烂;皮损组织病理及疱病自身抗体检查支持寻常性银屑病并发寻常性天疱疮诊断,给
目的 观察白疕胶囊(土鳖虫,穿心莲,珍珠母,乌梢蛇)对银屑病小鼠阴道上皮有丝分裂及尾部鳞片表皮颗粒层的影响及其量效关系,并探讨其作用机制.方法 采用雌激素灌胃刺激小鼠阴