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语文教学的任务是培养学生的听说读写能力,而所说读写能力的形成则是由范文的讲读学习使学生获取相关的知识,教给正确的阅读方法并作必要示范,最后通过学生动手实践而逐步获得的,因此,在语文教学中,必须从阅读教学着眼,组织课堂教学。总的原则是:打破“社会背景——段落大意——主题思想”这种千篇一律肢解文章的旧教法,开发学生智力,让学生学得主动,加强阅读训练和指导,教法灵活多变。着眼于篇章结构,侧重段落或层次之于中心关系讲读: 从文章的结构入手,侧重文章的段落层次,帮助学生理清文章的思路及线索,讲读时以朗读讲解为主,或先读后讲或边读边讲 The task of language teaching is to cultivate students’ listening, speaking, reading, writing and writing ability. The formation of spoken and written literacy is based on the reading and studying skills of Fan Wen, which enables students to acquire relevant knowledge, teach correct reading methods, and make necessary demonstrations. The students get hands-on and gradually acquired. Therefore, in Chinese teaching, we must focus on reading teaching and organize classroom teaching. The general principle is to break the old teachings of “social background-paragraphs of paragraphs-themes” and to dispel the articles, develop students’ intelligence, allow students to learn initiative, strengthen reading training and guidance, and teach and change the teaching methods flexibly. Focus on the structure of the text, focus on the paragraph or the level of the center-to-center relationship to read: Start with the structure of the article, focus on the paragraph level of the article, help students clarify the ideas and clues of the article, read the reading to explain mainly, or read first Talk or read while speaking
在作文教学中,我构思了一种作文训练的线性模式。其基本程式是:“情境—发散—集中—表达”,下面对各环节逐一介绍: 一、情境:就是想在作文指导的开始创造一定的情境, In c
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