A cross-layer fault tolerance management module for wireless sensor networks

来源 :Journal of Zhejiang University-Science C(Computers & Electro | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:scratch2000
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It is a well-established fact that wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are very power constraint networks, but besides this, they are inherently more fault-prone than any other type of wireless network and their protocol design is very application specific. Major reasons for the faults are the unpredictable wireless communication channel, battery depletion, as well as fragility and mobility of the nodes. Furthermore, as traditional protocol design methods have proved inadequate, the cross-layer design (CLD) approach, which allows for interactions between different layers, providing more flexible and energy-efficient functionality, has emerged as a viable solution for WSNs. In this study we define a fault tolerance management module suitable to the requirements, limitations, and specifics of WSNs, encompassing methods for fault detection, fault prevention, fault management, and recovery. The suggested solution is in line with the CLD approach, which is an important factor in increasing the network performance. Through simulations the functionality of the network is evaluated, based on packet loss, delay, and energy consumption, and is compared with a similar solution not including fault management. The results achieved support the idea that the introduction of a unified approach to fault management improves the network performance as a whole. It is a well-established fact that that power sensor networks (WSNs) are very power constraint networks, but also this yet, they are inherently more fault-prone than any other type of wireless network and their protocol design is very application specific. the faults are the unpredictable wireless communication channel, battery depletion, as well as fragility and mobility of the nodes. Furthermore, as traditional protocol design methods have demonstrated inadequate, the cross-layer design (CLD) approach, which allows for interactions between different layers , providing more flexible and energy-efficient functionality, has emerged as a viable solution for WSNs. In this study we define a fault tolerance management module suitable to the requirements, limitations, and specifics of WSNs, encompassing methods for fault detection, fault prevention, fault management, and recovery. The suggested solution is in line with the CLD approach, which is an important factor in increasing the network performance. Through simulations the functionality of the network is evaluated as based on packet loss, delay, and energy consumption, and is compared with a similar solution not including fault management. The results achieved support the idea that the introduction of a unified approach to fault management improves the network performance as a whole.
摘 要: 小学思品课要探索实施公民意识教育的教学策略,有效培养心理健康的、具有集体意识的小公民,培养遵守规则、热爱祖国的小公民。文章就此展开论述。  关键词: 小学思品课教学 公民意识 自觉性 教学策略  《义务教育思想品德课程标准(2011版)》在课程任务、课程目标和课程内容等方面的规定上,更加凸显公民意识教育的内容。新课标在阐述思想品德课程基本理念时明确指出:帮助学生过积极健康的生活,做负责任
摘 要: 教学回归生活是一个永恒的话题,作者从三个方面阐述自己对教学回归生活的点滴感悟:教学回归生活的涵义、教学回归生活的实现及教学回归生活的反思,以期学生通过利用已学知识解决生活中的实际问题,提高学习兴趣,进一步提高课堂教学质量。  关键词: 信息技术 教学回归生活 涵义 实现 反思  著名教育专家陶行知先生说:“没有生活做中心的教育是死教育。没有生活做中心的学校是死学校。没有生活做中心的书本是
摘 要: 新课程改革的重点是转变教师的教学观念和学生的学习方式。在高中政治教学中开展互动教学活动,教师要树立民主平等的教学观念,发挥学生的主动性,及时评价,激发学生的学习兴趣。  关键词: 高中政治教学 互动教学 教学观念 学习方式  在新课程改革的背景下,改革的重点是转变教师的教学观念和学生的学习方式。它不仅要求教师转变教学观念,而且要改进教学行为和教学方式,改变学生的学习方式和学习观念,使学生
一、亲和魅力  思想政治理论课教师容易留给学生刻板说教的印象,从而使学生认为课程枯燥乏味,不认真听讲,使得老师的辛勤付出没有收到应有的效果。我从强化教师亲和魅力入手,使教师走下讲台,收到了很好的效果。教师走下讲台,对学生听课情况进行检查,部分走神的同学会因为老师走到身边而回过神来。教师走下讲台,把笑容和期待、鼓励、信任的眼神传递给更多同学,使其感受到老师的关爱,从而认真听讲,教师走下讲台,可以随时
摘 要: 高中历史教师要想不断提高课堂教学成效,打造高效历史课堂,必须立足于学生的学习特点,注重因材施教,创新课堂教学方法,进而不断提高历史课堂教学效率,让学生在轻松愉快的课堂上掌握更多历史知识。本文就如何创建高效历史课堂进行分析,以期给相关教育工作者改进工作以有益借鉴。  关键词: 高中历史教学 高效课堂 创建方法  新课标中要求高中历史教师在历史课堂教学中,充分调动学生学习的积极性和主动性,激
摘 要: 历史的重要作用不言而喻,然而历史学科由于知识量大极易使学生觉得枯燥,进而厌学,提高历史教学的有效性是历史教育教学工作的重点。  关键词: 有效性 高中历史教学 影响因素 提高方法  “以铜为镜,可整衣冠;以人为镜,可知得失;以史为镜,可知兴替矣。”历史了解以史料为主,学习历史,是从中洞悉事物的发展归路,了解事物的发展趋势;学习历史,是以史为鉴,避免再犯类似的错误,避免再次走弯路;学习历史
新课改针对思想政治课教学提出:“思想政治课教学要改变过去的强调接受学习、死记硬背、机械训练的状况,倡导学生主动参与、乐于探究、勤于动手,培养学生搜集和处理信息的能力、获取新知识的能力、分析和解决问题的能力及交流和合作的能力。”在实际的教学过程中,如何体现这一新理念呢?我认为,构建课堂教学情境,在政治课课堂教学中运用“情境串”教学法,能够很好地顺应新课改的要求,体现这一新理念。  “情境串”教学法就