住房制度改革推行以来,房地产市场发展迅速。为市场红火而欢欣鼓舞的除房地产发展商外,恐怕要数各家银行了。 今年初,国内务商业银行遵循央行有关扩大个人住房信贷业务、促进经济增长的信贷政策,不断降低个人住房信贷“门槛”,加大信贷力度,欲在个人住房信贷(简称“个贷”)业务上多占些份额。且看今年各家银行在个贷市场上的动作。 建行:欲执牛耳 多年来,建行形成了品种较为齐全的个人消费贷款体系,一直把持着个贷的大部分市场。目前建行个人消费信贷业务基本覆盖了全国大多数的重点城市及地区中心城市,办理个贷业务的机构网点达3000多个。到2000年底,建行
Since the implementation of housing system reform, the real estate market has developed rapidly. In addition to real estate developers who are excited about the booming market, I am afraid to count banks. Earlier this year, domestic commercial banks followed the credit policy of the central bank on expanding individual housing credit business and boosting economic growth. They continued to lower the “threshold” of individual housing credit, stepped up credit efforts, and tried to increase the credit rating of personal housing loans (“personal loans”) Take more share. And look at the various banks this year in the personal loan market movements. China Construction Bank: For years, China Construction Bank formed a more complete range of personal consumer loan system, has dominated a loan most of the market. At present, CCB’s personal consumer credit business basically covers most of key cities in the country and regional central cities, with more than 3,000 institutional outlets for personal loans. By the end of 2000, China Construction Bank