High precision landing site mapping and rover localization for Chang'e-3 mission

来源 :Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lzltgp
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This paper presents the comprehensive results of landing site topographic mapping and rover localization in Chang’e-3 mission.High-precision topographic products of the landing site with extremely high resolutions(up to 0.05 m)were generated from descent images and registered to CE-2 DOM.Local DEM and DOM with 0.02 m resolution were produced routinely at each waypoint along the rover traverse.The lander location was determined to be(19.51256°W,44.11884°N,-2615.451 m)using a method of DOM matching.In order to reduce error accumulation caused by wheel slippage and IMU drift in dead reckoning,cross-site visual localization and DOM matching localization methods were developed to localize the rover at waypoints;the overall traveled distance from the lander is 114.8 m from cross-site visual localization and 111.2 m from DOM matching localization.The latter is of highest accuracy and has been verified using a LRO NAC image where the rover trajeactory is directly identifiable.During CE-3 mission operations,landing site mapping and rover localization products including DEMs and DOMs,traverse maps,vertical traverse profiles were generated timely to support teleoperation tasks such as obstacle avoidance and rover path planning. This paper presents the complete results of landing site topographic mapping and rover localization in Chang’e-3 mission. High-precision topographic products of the landing site with extremely high resolutions (up to 0.05 m) were generated from descent images and registered to CE -2 DOM. Local DEM and DOM with 0.02 m resolution were produced routinely at each waypoint along the rover traverse. Lander location was determined to be (19.51256 ° W, 44.11884 ° N, -2615.451 m) using a method of DOM matching. In order to reduce error accumulation caused by wheel slippage and IMU drift in dead reckoning, cross-site visual localization and DOM matching localization methods were developed to localize the rover at waypoints; the overall traveled distance from the lander is 114.8 m from cross-site visual localization and 111.2 m from DOM matching localization. latter latter of of accuracy and has been verified using a LRO NAC image where the rover trajeactory is directly identifiable. Duration CE-3 m ission operations, landing site mapping and rover localization products including DEMs and DOMs, traverse maps, vertical traverse profiles were generated timely to support teleoperation tasks such as obstacle avoidance and rover path planning.
《Jane’s Airport》2009年8月版刊登文章,报道非洲的发展与航空推动作用。文章题目:Africa’s Scope for Development,现编译如下。非洲正在刮起航空旋风,肯尼亚一马当先升
金枝说她爱袁哲。她一直这么说,不断地说。每次同学聚餐,她都挑袁哲对面的位置,种种怪模怪样儿,截获他的注视;要么就手支着下巴,盯到他浑身发痒。   “你的目光把我脸烤红了。”袁哲抗议。   “我的目标是把你烤熟,”金枝说,“外焦里嫩,片成一片片儿的,吃掉。”   “烤鸭——”我们冲袁哲笑,把“鸭”字拉得老长老长。   袁哲拿我们没辙。他拿金枝更没辙。在我们这拨儿高中朋友里面,袁哲在校园里待的时间最久