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通过对中型货车用调速风扇离合器的改进设计,对电流变流体在调速离合器中的应用进行了试验研究。在三种输入转速下,当外加电场强度不同时,对风扇离合器的调速特性进行了分析。通过对不同的试验过程所得到的结果及与电流变流体在电流变仪中的测量结果的对比,证明了剪切率的作用对风扇离合器的调速性能有重要影响。作者认为,这是由于在高剪切速率下,分散相难于成为链(束)结构所致,成链(束)时间远远大于分散相的极化时间。对所用电流变流体在高剪切率下的测试结果表明,随着剪切率的增高,电流变流体越来越表现出牛顿流体的特性,即流体的表现粘度成为常数。 Through the improved design of the speed governing clutch for medium truck, the application of electrorheological fluid in the speed governing clutch is studied. Under the three input speeds, when the applied electric field intensity is different, the fan clutch speed governing characteristics are analyzed. Through the comparison of the results obtained from different experiments and the results of the electrorheological fluid in the electrorheological rheometer, it is proved that the shear rate plays an important role in the speed governing performance of the fan clutch. The authors believe that this is due to the fact that at high shear rates, the disperse phase is hard to form as a chain (beam) structure, with the chain (beam) time being much greater than the polarization time of the dispersed phase. The test results of the electrorheological fluids at high shear rates show that the electrorheological fluids exhibit more and more Newtonian fluid properties as the shear rate increases, ie the apparent viscosity of the fluid becomes constant.
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Zinc oxide is a wide bandgap (3.37 eV) semiconductor with a hexagonal wurtzite crystal structure. ZnO prepared in nanowire form may be used as a nanosized ultra
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