
来源 :农村电工 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Whding713
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一、造成农村人身伤亡事故,属下列情形之一者,由产权所属单位负主要责任: 1、安装不符合规程要求; 2、设备失修或管理不善。 二、造成农村人身触电伤亡事故,属下列情形之一者,由供电部门负主要责任: 1、由于设备失修造成的事故产权虽属用户,但供电部门已承担代管义务者; 2、由于供电部门工作过失,错误同意不合格电力设备投入运行者; 3、由于供电部门领导人员或工作负责人误发令、运行人员误操作、调度失误等原因,直接造成事故者。 三、造成农村人身伤亡事故,属下列情形之一者,由其本人负主要责任: 1、私自攀登变压器台、电杆或摇动拉线; 2、家用电器、照明设备失修或安装不符合规程规范; 3、私拉乱接或其它违章用电; 4、在电力线下面私自盖房、打井和从事其它私人劳动,误触合格的带 First, causing personal injury in rural areas, one of the following circumstances, the ownership of the units owned by the main negative responsibility: 1, the installation does not meet the requirements of regulations; 2, equipment disrepair or mismanagement. Second, the accident caused by electric shock casualties in rural areas, one of the following situations, the main responsibility for the power sector: 1, due to the equipment caused by accidental accident property rights belong to users, but the power sector has assumed the responsibility of hosting; 2, due to power supply Department of work negligence, mistakenly agreed to unqualified power equipment put into operation; 3, due to the power sector leaders or chief of staff mistakes, operating personnel misoperation, scheduling errors and other causes directly caused the accident. Third, caused by personal accident in rural areas, one of the following circumstances, the main responsibility of their own: 1, privately climb the transformer station, pole or swing pull line; 2, household appliances, lighting equipment repair or installation does not comply with the rules and regulations; 3, private chaotic access or other illegal use of electricity; 4, privately built under the power line, wells and engaged in other private work, with the wrong pass
A novel binuclear complex ([Cu2(μ2-shed)(hshed)]((ClO4)(H2O, h2shed = N-salicyli- dene-N’-(2-hydroxyethyl)ethylenediamine) has been synthesized and structural
While the New Year's bell is fast approaching,we arrive at the end of 2007.As we bid farewell to this year.we look back on the footprints we left behind.While 2