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1999年10月19日,中国教授何知礼在莫斯科召开的国际温压地球化学(又称包体矿物学)大会上,荣获最高奖——耶尔马可夫金质奖章。这是他继1996年荣获乌兹别克斯坦共和国自然科学院院士和1997年荣获国际矿产资源科学院院士证书后的又一殊荣。何知礼是北京科技大学教授、博士生导师、中国地质大学和成都理学院客座教授、自然界化学成因包体发现者、中国包体矿物学奠基人之一、著名包体矿物学家和地质学家、国际成矿流体包体委员会副主席、亚洲太平洋国际流体包体学会副主席兼中国驻该两个国际学术机构代表。何知礼一生从事地质科研与教学工作,辛勤耕耘,硕果累累,为中国包体矿物学的发展做出了杰出贡献。何知礼出于四川省高县文江镇一个知识分子家庭。他天资聪颖,自幼勤奋好学。1949年,在川南六县考生中,他以第一名的优异成绩考入四川省高县高级中学,因在校成绩优异,1951年他提前毕业以第一志愿考入重庆大学地质系。1955年毕业后,在北京冶金部(原重工业部)地质研究所从事科学研究近20年。1974年,他调北京钢铁学院(现北京科技大学)任教至今。何知礼长期从事矿物学、矿床学,特别是包体矿物学研究。1977年,他首次发现自然界有化学成因包体,独家提出新的包体分类和区分正常与异常包体标志,扩大了研究领 On October 19, 1999, Chinese professor He Zhili received the highest award - the Yercakov Gold Medal at the International Conference on Thermobilization of Geochemistry (also known as Inclusions and Mineralogy) held in Moscow. This is another award he received in 1996 after being awarded a certificate from the Academy of Natural Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan and a member of the International Academy of Mineral Resources and Sciences in 1997. He Zhili is a professor and doctoral tutor at Beijing University of Science and Technology, a visiting professor at China University of Geosciences and Chengdu University of Science and Technology, a founding scientist of natural genesis in the enclave of nature, one of the founding members of the Chinese enclave mineralogy, a famous enclave mineralogist and geologist , Vice Chairman of International Commission for Fluid-forming Fluid Inclusion, Vice Chairman of Asia Pacific International Fluid Inclusion Society and Chinese representative to the two international academic institutions. He knows that his life engaged in geological research and teaching work, hard work, fruitful, for the development of China’s package mineralogy has made outstanding contributions. I do know that Li is a family of intellectuals in Wenjiang Town, Gao County, Sichuan Province. He is very talented, studious and studious. In 1949, he was admitted to Gaoxian High School in Sichuan Province with his outstanding first place achievement. In 1951, he graduated early to take the first choice in entering the Department of Geology, Chongqing University. After graduating in 1955, he engaged in scientific research for nearly 20 years at the Institute of Geology, Beijing Metallurgical Department (formerly Ministry of Heavy Industry). In 1974, he transferred Beijing Iron and Steel Institute (now Beijing University of Science and Technology) taught so far. Know that ceremony long engaged in mineralogy, mineral deposits, especially the mineralogy of inclusions. In 1977, for the first time, he discovered that there are chemical inclusions in nature, exclusively proposed new classification of inclusions and distinguished the signs of normal and abnormal inclusions, and expanded the research scope
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