
来源 :Journal of Marine Science and Application | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:meiaihui
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San Francisco,California,June 8-13,2014 OMAE 2014 is the ideal forum for researchers,engineers,managers,technicians and students from the scientific and industrial communities from around the world to meet and present advances in technology and its scientific support;to exchange ideas and experiences whilst promoting technological progress and its application in industry to promote international cooperation in ocean,offshore and arctic engineering. San Francisco, California, June 8-13, 2014 OMAE 2014 is the ideal forum for researchers, engineers, managers, technicians and students from the scientific and industrial communities from around the world to meet and present advances in technology and its scientific support; to exchange ideas and experiencesuary promotes technological progress and its application in industry to promote international cooperation in ocean, offshore and arctic engineering.
This study uses a large eddy simulation(LES) model to investigate the turbulence processes in the ocean surface boundary layer at Zhangzi Island offshore.Field
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怎么保证不出现系统性风险,避免危机?一方面要控制好和化解现有的风险,为推进改革赢得时间;另一方面,辅之以适当财政货币政策的短期调节。  中国经济问题很复杂,用很短时间把它讲得比较清楚有一定难度,从哪里讲起呢?我来讲五个问题——“危机、转型、动力、创新、改革”。  从2008年底对付全球金融危机起,对于避免危机基本上有两种不同的方略。这两种方略所依据的理论模型、分析框架是不一样的,一种思路是从需求侧
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