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这是一个巨大的飞跃:20世纪80年代,福建省石狮供水公司还只是一个小型自来水厂,如今,它已是拥有固定资产超过5.8亿、职工达341人、年产值超过9000万元的福建省惟一一家城乡供水一体化的公司.并先后荣获中国企业最佳形象、福建省300家最佳形象企业、福建省工业明星企业 曾获得福建省“五一劳动奖章”和“福建省十佳职业道德标兵”的公司副董事长吴成家是石狮供水事业的创始人,但有很多人不知道,他还曾经是一个立下赫赫战功的老兵。在1958年,吴成家荣立了二等战功。随后,他还代表原福州军区到北京出席建国10周年的国庆观礼。  20世纪80年代初,吴成家恋恋不舍地脱下那身穿了20多年的绿军装,转业到地方工作。在工作中,他廉洁奉公,以身作则,先后主持了石狮的城镇建设和2000吨自来水厂建设。1993年,吴成家受命担任石狮市20万吨自来水工程建设常务副总指挥。这项被人们称为“小三峡”的工程,吸引了多家工程队的相互角逐。吴成家严格按照工程建设管理规定,对工程进行可行性研究,向社会发布工程招标公告,全部实行“阳光”作业。为确保工程质量,他还要求所有设备、材料必须到国营厂家订购,合同必须到指挥部签订,所有采购人员不得拿回扣,不得接受工程队吃请等。在他的监督下,这项大规模工程质量好、造价省、设 This is a huge leap: In the 1980s, Fujian Shishi Water Supply Company was only a small waterworks factory. Now it has a total investment of more than 580 million yuan in fixed assets, 341 employees and an annual output value of more than 90 million yuan The only company that has integrated urban and rural water supply and has won the best image of Chinese enterprises, the 300 best image enterprises in Fujian Province, and the industrial star enterprises in Fujian Province have won the “May 1st Labor Medal” and “Fujian Top Ten Professional Ethics” Pacesetter “Wu Cheng is the founder of the Shishi water supply business, but many people do not know, he was once an illustrious military veteran. In 1958, Wu Chengjia won the second-class war. Subsequently, he also represented the former Fuzhou Military Region to Beijing for the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. In the early 1980s, Wu Chengjia reluctantly took off the green military uniform that had been worn for more than 20 years and was transferred to a local job. In his work, he honest and serve as an example, has presided over the town of Shishi and 2,000 tons of water plant construction. In 1993, Wu Chengjia was appointed as Shushan 200000 tons of tap water project construction executive vice president. This project, which is known as the ”Little Three Gorges Project,“ has attracted many engineering teams to compete with each other. Wu Chengjia strictly in accordance with the provisions of engineering construction management, feasibility study of the project, the project announcement to the public tender, all the ”Sunshine" homework. To ensure the quality of the project, he also demanded that all equipment and materials must be ordered by the state-owned factories. The contract must be signed by the headquarters. All procurement personnel should not take the rebate and may not accept the construction team’s eagerness to eat. Under his supervision, this large-scale project of good quality, cost savings and design
提出了科技编辑在审稿中运用批判性思维方法要解决的四个方面的“问题”,即作者提出了什么样的问题? 作者是否解决了需要解决的问题? 作者解决问题的方法是否得当? 论文能否
Objective To explore the effect of Modified Hangqi Chifeng Decoction(MHCD)on levels of collagen typeⅣ(ColⅣ),matrix metalloproteinase-2(MMP-2),tissue inhibitor
分析了传统方法中存在的问题及原因;报道了采用微机技术控制和采集实验数据、绘制冷却曲线,用电磁搅拌代替手动搅拌等新方法,并摸索了最佳实验条件.新法操作简便、结果理想. The