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研究中国生物质能发电费用分摊机制,对于促进可再生能源产业乃至低碳能源产业发展具有重大政策指导意义。本文将现有的生物质能发电费用分摊机制分为费用来源、费用支付和配额交易三个环节分别进行解读,并对我国自2006年以来的六个生物质能发电补贴方案的执行情况进行了系统整理,发现当前的费用分摊机制已经无法满足生物质能发电产业发展的需要。同时,在对生物质能发电费用分摊机制的三个环节的研究中,发现现行的生物质能发电费用分摊机制存在费用来源太少、支付机制不合理、配额交易机制不清晰等问题。以上问题有违《可再生能源法》中规定的“有利于促进可再生能源发电利用和经济合理”原则。本文针对这些问题提出了相应的对策建议:拓宽征收电价附加资金的渠道,明确电价附加收入的调配方式,规范配额证的交易秩序。 Research on China’s biomass power generation cost sharing mechanism has great policy guidance for promoting the development of renewable energy and even low-carbon energy industries. In this paper, the existing sharing mechanism of biomass power generation cost is divided into three parts: source of costs, fee payment and quota transaction, and the implementation of six biomass power generation subsidy programs in China since 2006 System finishing, found that the current cost-sharing mechanism has been unable to meet the needs of the development of biomass power generation industry. At the same time, in the study of three aspects of the sharing mechanism of biomass power generation cost, it is found that the current sharing mechanism of biomass power generation cost is too small, the payment mechanism is not reasonable and the quota trading mechanism is not clear. The above problems are in violation of the “Renewable Energy Law” stipulated in the “conducive to promoting renewable energy power generation and economic rationality” principle. In this paper, we put forward corresponding countermeasures and suggestions on these issues: broaden the channels of additional funds levied on electricity tariffs, clarify the deployment of additional electricity prices, and regulate the trading order of quotas.
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