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值此水利水电施工技术情报网成立20周年之际,向情报网致以最热烈的祝贺。向20年来大力支持情报网开展活动的全网各单位及有关专家、领导表示衷心的感谢。情报网走过的20年是艰难奋斗的20年。从她成立的那天起,我国水利水电建设事业就面临着改革开放,向市场经济过渡的新形势。各网员单位及情报网在改革中前进,走向市场面向市场,在竞争中发展,已逐步走上按现代企业制度改造规范企业之路。虽然困难 On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Technical Information Network for Water Resources and Hydropower Construction, I hereby give my warmest greetings to the intelligence network. I would like to express my heart-felt gratitude to all the agencies and relevant experts and leaders of the entire network who have given full support to the intelligence network in the past 20 years. 20 years of intelligence network has been struggling for 20 years. From the day of her founding, the cause of water conservancy and hydropower construction in our country is facing a new situation of the reform and opening up and the transition to a market economy. All network members and information network in the reform forward, to the market-oriented market, the competition in the development, has gradually embarked on a modern enterprise system to transform the norms of enterprise road. Although difficult
5月25日至27日 ,国家经贸委培训司与上海市经委联合在上海成功举办了“加入WTO与企业战略”高层研讨会。研讨会以“把握机遇、开创未来、搏击经济全球化浪潮”为主题 ,来自全国各地的
我国古代译论集中表现为“信”“达”之意及“质”“文”之争,为译者留下许多值得借鉴的地方,为我国后来翻译理论的形成奠定了基础。 The translation of ancient Chinese t
石头河水库管理局是陕西省水利厅直属的水库工程管理单位,在职职1420人,其中具有中高级以上职称的43人。 近几年来,石头河水库管理局在搞好水库管理与建设的同时,积极利用水
在迎接香港回归及党的十五大召开的1997年,我们迎来了全国水利水电施工技术情报网成立20周年和《水利水电施工》创刊15周年。 20年来,施工技术情报网为推动和发展我国水电施
Sub-20 nm node bulk FinFET PMOS devices with an all-last high-k/metal gate(HK/MG) process are fabricated and the influence of a series of device parameters on t