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道歉信写作作为危机公关方式的一种,在现代媒体迅速发展以及信息飞速传播的当下,使用已较为普遍,但却存在格式不规范、用词不准确、用语不得体等问题。下面是××市政府新闻办公室官微发布的一则道歉信:××供水公司致全市人民道歉信尊敬的广大市民朋友:连续几天用水紧张甚至停水,给您的生产生活造成极大不便,供水公司全体员工向您表 As a kind of public relations crisis crisis, apology letter writing has been used more widely nowadays because of the rapid development of modern media and the rapid dissemination of information. However, there are problems such as irregular format, inaccurate wording, inappropriate language and so on. Following is a letter of apology issued by the official information office of ×× City Government: Letter of apology from the water supply company to the people in the city Dear friends of the general public, It is inconvenient for your production and living for a few days due to water shortage or even water stoppage , Water company all staff to your table
牛世骏在担任省交通厅机关后勤服务中心党总支书记、主任的 5年时间里 ,与中心班子成员一起团结奋进 ,开拓创新 ,取得了骄人成绩 ,为全省交通系统争得了诸多荣誉。 5年来机关
 目的 :研究对比采用保留腮腺咬肌筋膜的翻瓣和切除腮腺咬肌筋膜的翻瓣方法对预防Frey’s综合症的效果。方法 :对甲组 2 3例腮腺肿瘤患者在行腮腺切除手术时采用保留腮腺咬
The Zargat Na’am ring complex crops out 90 km NW of Shalatin City in the Southeastern Desert of Egypt. The ring complex forms a prominent ridge standing high a
The mechanical alloying technique was used to make multi phase alloys V+ TiFe 0.85 Mn 0.15 . Their hydrogen storage properties were characterized an
在湖北的京山域,曾出现过一位在中国现代文学史上不可忽略的人物,他就是国内公认的一流杂文家、古典文学研究家、诗人聂绀弩。这位人民文 In the mountain area of ​​Hub
美国的主要大河是密西西比河及其支流密苏里河、俄亥俄河等,西部的科罗拉多河水量较小,汛情不严重。从防汛的工程技术措施看,美国与我国及世 The major rivers in the Unite
客户关系管理(CRM,CustomerPelationship Management)由GartnerGroup提出,目的在于建立一个系统,使企业在客户服务、市场竞争、销售及支持方面形成彼此协调的全新的关系实体,为企业带来长久的竞争优势。在开思软件公... Custome