
来源 :花木盆景(花卉园艺) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tjkjkfzx
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茶梅(Camellia sasanqua),为山茶科常绿小灌木,花红色,喜通风透光,环境湿润的生长条件。笔者利用油茶芽苗作砧嫁接茶梅试验,相当成功。现将试验情况总结如下:一、试验地概况:试验地为土层疏松、排水良好的酸性土,苗床上架设薄膜拱棚,并架有遮阳网(透光度30%)。二、嫁接与管理1、砧木:选无病害、健壮、芽砧刚露出表土未展叶的油茶芽苗为最佳。2、接穗:选健壮、无病虫害、半木质化或一年生枝条,以上部芽眼饱满者为好,一般每穗两叶或三叶。3、嫁接:六月上旬,把芽苗从沙中取出,用水洗净沙土备用,在芽苗籽叶柄以上2cm处切断,对准中轴切下一刀约0.8cm深,选与砧木粗细相近的接穗。去掉最下层叶,在叶下0.5m处下刀,两面削成马耳形,斜面长度与砧木削口一样;然后把削好的接穗嵌入削好的苗砧内,对好形成层,用牙膏皮卡住捏紧。4、接后管理:将接好的苗木定植于准备好的圃地,浇透水,盖膜,接后每十 Camellia sasanqua, the evergreen shrub of the family Camellia, is a red, hi-ventilated, moist environment. The author uses Camellia sprouts for the rootstock grafting tea trial, quite successful. Now the test situation is summarized as follows: First, the test to the general situation: the test for the soil loose, well-drained acidic soil, thin film sheds erected on the seedbed, and shelved shading net (transmittance 30%). Second, grafting and management 1, rootstock: election disease-free, robust, bud anvil just exposed topsoil leaves are not the best buds. 2, scion: election robust, pest-free, semi-lignified or annual branches to the Ministry of bud full eyes are good, usually two leaves per leaf or clover. 3, grafting: In early June, the sprouts out from the sand, wash the sand with water reserve, sprouts in the sprouts 2cm at the cut off at the center axis cut a knife about 0.8cm deep, the election and rootstock thickness similar Scion. Remove the bottom leaf, under the leaf 0.5m at the next knife, both sides cut into a horse-shaped, beveled the length of the stock cut the same; then cut the scion embedded in the cut seedling anvil, the formation of a good layer, with toothpaste Pickup live pinch. 4, then management: will pick a good seedlings planted in the nursery, water, cover film, then every ten
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