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容铁,原名纪容建,现为中国书画艺术委员会副主席、中国艺术研究院特聘研究员、国家友好画院执行院长、中国书法家协会理事、中国美术家协会会员、中国书法家协会编辑出版委员会委员、西泠印社社员、国家一级美术师、北京清华大学美术学院客座教授、《东方书画人物》杂志社总编辑。编辑、出版成果:首创我国第一部书法软件光盘《中华书法大字典》及图书并担任主编;编著《黄牧 Yung Tie, formerly known as Ji Rongjian, is currently Vice Chairman of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Committee, Distinguished Research Fellow of China Academy of Art, Executive Dean of China Friendship Art Institute, Director of China Calligraphers Association, Member of Chinese Artists Association, Editor and Publication Committee of China Calligraphers Association, Xiling Seal Society members, national level artist, Beijing Tsinghua University Academy of Fine Arts visiting professor, “Oriental calligraphy and painting” magazine editor in chief. Editing and publishing achievements: First China’s first calligraphy software CD “Chinese calligraphy dictionary” and books and served as editor; edited "Huangmu
今日,韩国超级女歌手严正花在中国国内发行了自己 的最新专辑《魅力皇后》向中国国内的乐坛发出 了强有力的一击!!! 在韩国文艺界,好像还没有哪一个女艺人能比得上严正花涉足如此
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