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实施城镇职工基本医疗保险制度改革,如何以最少的医疗支出,最大限度地保障职工的基本医疗,是社会各界普遍关心的活题,也是每个社会保险工作者为之奋斗的目标。笔者根据工作实践,就加强医疗保险管理问题谈几点粗浅看法。一、加强医疗保险个人账户管理基本医疗保险个人账户是职工基本医疗保险制度的重要组成部分,它不仅体现了职工个人所应承担的责任,也有利于增强职工个人的健康投资意识,而且能够促使职工年轻、健康时为年老、多病时积累医疗保险基金,以建立起纵向的个人积累保障机制。加强对基本医疗保险个人账户基金的管理是医疗保险经办机构份内的事,是其加强基本医疗保险管理的重要内容。但在实际工作中,有的地方将职工的医疗保险个人账户资金随工资或以银行活期存折的形式发给个人,这样做,显然与建立医 The implementation of the reform of the basic medical insurance system for urban workers and how to safeguard workers’ basic medical services with the minimum medical expenses are the common concerns of all walks of life and the goal of every social insurance worker. According to the author’s work practice, to strengthen the management of medical insurance to talk about a few superficial views. First, to strengthen the management of personal accounts of medical insurance Basic medical insurance personal accounts is an important part of the basic medical insurance system for employees, which not only reflects the individual employees should bear the responsibility, but also conducive to enhancing the sense of personal health investment workers, but also to promote Workers are young and healthy when old and sick when accumulating medical insurance funds to establish a vertical personal accumulation security mechanism. To strengthen the management of the personal medical insurance fund is a matter taken by the medical insurance agencies and is an important part of strengthening the management of basic medical insurance. However, in actual work, in some places, employees’ medical insurance personal account funds are paid to individuals in the form of salary or bank passbook.
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