
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(儿科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yesheng1991
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Purpose: The aim of the study was to review the records of all children who presented with gastric volvulus in the past 10 years. Methods: The study group consisted of 21 children with an age range from 0.2 months to 4.3 years who were operated for gastric volvulus from 1992 to 2003. Results: Initial symptoms included acute abdominal pain after meals, vomiting, and in 8 cases, acute apnea associated with pallor, cyanosis, and hypotonia. After the first episode, barium studies revealed an organoaxial gastric volvulus in all cases. The surgical procedure was an anterior gastropexy with reinforcement of the esophagogastric angle performed by laparoscopy in 13 cases and by laparotomy in 8 (1 converted laparoscopy). An associated antireflux fundoplication was done in 3 patients. All children received postoperative antireflux medication for at least 1 month. The follow-up ranged from 4 months to 4.8 years. Two children in the laparotomy group required reoperation (Toupet fundoplication) for persistent gastroesophageal reflux disease. All children are currently symptom-free and without treatment. Conclusions: Gastric volvulus is a clinical and radiological reality, which can be treated by a gastropexy. Initial fundoplication is not mandatory. The laparoscopic gastropexy is a good option and allows a repeat laparoscopic procedure if needed. Purpose: The aim of the study was to review the records of all children who presented with gastric volvulus in the past 10 years. Methods: The study consisted of 21 children with an age range from 0.2 months to 4.3 years who were operated for gastric volvulus from 1992 to 2003. Results: Initial symptoms included acute abdominal pain after meals, vomiting, and in 8 cases, acute apnea associated with pallor, cyanosis, and hypotonia. After the first episode, barium studies revealed an organoaxial gastric volvulus in all cases . The surgical procedure was an anterior gastropexy with reinforcement of the esophagogastric angle performed by laparoscopy in 13 cases and by laparotomy in 8 (1 converted laparoscopy). An associated antireflux fundoplication was done in 3 patients. All children received postoperative antireflux at least 1 month. The follow-up ranged from 4 months to 4.8 years. Two children in the laparotomy group required reoperation (Toupet fundoplication) for All children are currently symptom-free and without treatment. Conclusions: Gastric volvulus is a clinical and radiological reality, which can be treated by a gastropexy. Initial fundoplication is not mandatory. The laparoscopic gastropexy is a good option and allows a repeat laparoscopic procedure if needed.
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