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乐宴之味 “三月不知肉味”,此乃孔夫子聆听齐国韶乐后发出的感叹。话虽出自圣人之口,却是大可怀疑的。听音乐与食肉可以相得益彰,这早已被离不开乐队伴奏助餐的国宴所证实。不过,“乐宴”的发明却很难稽考了,我想,应该不迟于殷商时期吧?那纣王不就因沉缅于轻歌曼舞的“肉林酒池”而落得鹿台自焚么?在西方美食大国法兰西,路易十四也曾在凡尔赛宫举办过类似的烛光晚宴,金樽美酒,笙乐弦歌,其奢靡之风令人叹为观止。美利坚合众国虽然年轻,可是,从本世纪初的塔夫脱执政开始,乐宴便是白宫款待达官显贵的一项传统节目了。要进入乐宴演出还挺不容易:乐曲要经严格挑选,从钢琴到歌唱家也要经第一夫人审核,可表演者所得的报酬不过是一顿夜宵和一张总统签名照片而已。尽管如此,艺术家们仍趋之若鹜,视其为最高奖赏和荣誉。 The taste of the banquet “March I do not know the taste of meat,” which is the exclamation Kongfu Zi Listen to Qi Guo Shao music. Although the words from the mouth of saints, but it is doubtful. Listening to music and carnivorous can complement each other, which has long been confirmed by the state banquet that can not be separated from the band accompaniment. However, the “banquet” invention is very difficult to test, I think, should be no later than the Shang period, right? The king is not due to indulge in song and dance “meat forest wine pool” and set off from Taiwan set himself burning? In the western gourmet country of France, Louis XIV also held a similar candlelight dinner at the Palace of Versailles, golden bottle wine, Sheng music, its extravagant style is breathtaking. Although the United States of America is young, the banquet was a traditional show hosted by the White House for Dignitary Guinness since the Taft administration in the early 2000s. It is not easy to enter the music banquet: the music should be rigorously selected, and the first lady should be reviewed from the piano to the singer. The performers’ remuneration is nothing but a supper and a photo signed by the president. In spite of this, the artists are still flocking to it as the highest prize and honor.
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