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影响云杉插条生根和早期生长的因素很多,其中主要的有树种、群体、单株、母株年龄、插条取自植株和枝条的部位、扦插的时间、化学处理、生根基质、大气温度和生根基质的温度。现分述如下。树种、群体和个体取自不同树种、群体和个体的插条其生根能力各异,如挪威云杉的插条较易生根,而红云杉的插条则难以生根。取自同一群体不同单株的插条生根力差异也很 There are many factors affecting the rooting and early growth of spruce cuttings, among which the main species, population, single plant, age of mother plant, cuttings taken from plant and shoots, cutting time, chemical treatment, rooting substrate, atmospheric temperature And rooting temperature. Now is as follows. Cuttings, groups and individuals cuttings from different species, groups and individuals have different ability to root, such as Norway spruce cuttings easier to root, and red spruce cuttings are difficult to root. Roots from the same group of different individual plant rooting force is also very different
本文介绍了一种偏移型光电二极管,它的光谱特性随所加电压而变化。利用偏移型光电二极管的特性设计了四色鉴别器。 This article describes an offset photodiode whose spe
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