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一、先天禀赋比较 从海运条件上看,香港拥有天然深水良港——维多利亚港,广州的黄埔港次之,珠海的高栏港以及深圳、江门等地港口再次之,而澳门的港口条件明显处于劣势。尽管澳门近些年积极改善港口条件,建成了九澳深水港,但吞吐能力远不及其他港口,而且每年疏浚航道泥沙的量非常之大。因此,从比较优势出发,发展港口和对外贸易运输的顺序应是香港——广州——深圳、珠海—澳门。按照这个顺序发展,可形成以香港、广州港为龙头,深圳、珠海为两翼,澳门、江门等为补充的大珠江三角洲国际海运和对外贸易分工体系。有人试图把澳门、深圳、珠海等地的港口扩大到超过香港和广州港的规模,或与之并驾齐驱,从资源禀赋上讲,不符合比较优势的原则。有人依念澳门历史上作为远东最大贸易港的辉煌,主张建造大型深水港,重振澳门的转口贸易,并将澳门经济发展的路向定位于港口贸易,这忽视了区域优势随时间空间变化所表现出的动态特性,违背了澳门先天禀赋条件。以己之短博他人之长,肯定是得不偿失的。 从土地和劳动力资源上看,广东省面积达数万平方公里,人口达数千万人,土壤肥沃,矿产资源丰富,地价和工资水平较低;香港土地面积为1066平方公里,人口600多万人,矿产资源缺乏,工资高,地价昂贵;而澳门土地面积仅为21.09平方公 First, the natural endowment comparison From the sea conditions, Hong Kong has a natural deep-water port - Victoria Harbor, Guangzhou Huangpu Port, Zhuhai, Gaolan Port and Shenzhen, Jiangmen and other ports again, while the port conditions in Macau was obviously in Disadvantages. Although Macao has actively improved the harbor conditions in recent years and built the Jiupeng Deepwater Port, its throughput capacity is far less than that of other ports. In addition, the volume of sediment dredged in the sea is very large every year. Therefore, proceeding from the comparative advantage, the order of developing ports and foreign trade and transport should be Hong Kong - Guangzhou - Shenzhen, Zhuhai - Macao. According to this order of development, a system of division of labor and international trade in the Greater Pearl River Delta that complements Hong Kong and Guangzhou Port, Shenzhen, Zhuhai and Macao, and Jiangmen will be formed. Some people tried to expand the ports of Macao, Shenzhen and Zhuhai beyond the size of Hong Kong and Guangzhou Ports or go hand in hand with them. In terms of resource endowments, it is not in line with the principle of comparative advantage. Someone remembers the splendor of Macao as the largest trading port in the Far East and advocated the construction of a large-scale deep-water port to revive the entrepot trade in Macao and to orient the economic development of Macao to the port trade, ignoring the performance of the regional advantage over time and space Out of the dynamic features, contrary to the inherent natural endowment conditions in Macao. It is certainly outweighed by the shortcomings of others. From the perspective of land and labor resources, Guangdong Province, with an area of ​​tens of thousands of square kilometers and a population of tens of millions of people, has fertile soil and rich mineral resources, with relatively low land prices and wages. Hong Kong has a land area of ​​1066 square kilometers and a population of over 6 million People, lack of mineral resources, high wages, land prices are expensive; while the land area of ​​Macao is only 21.09 square kilometers
采购计划不透明折射出的,仍是当前政府采购法律制度在诸多方面存在重大欠缺的现状 3月1日,《广东省实施〈中华人民共和国政府采购法〉办法》(以下简称《办法》)正式实施,全
民歌唱到维也纳“郎在上风薅稻棵,妹在下风唱山歌;唱得禾苗点头笑,唱得哥哥笑呵呵;歌声越唱越响亮,唱得绿海泛金波。”当涂民歌《唱得绿海泛 Singing to Vienna “Lang in
本刊讯自2002年8月中旬至10月底 ,国家计委、国务院纠风办、卫生部、国家中医药管理局将对药品和医疗服务价格进行专项检查 ,纠正医药购销中的不正之风 ,以保证药品和医疗服务价格改