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虎门医院于1989年5月13日创办了一所集院前抢救、院内抢救、重症监护为一体的“虎门创伤急救中心”。四年来,出车现场救护2711辆次,住院治疗伤病员1680人次,住院治愈率为98.1%,抢救危重病员1381人次,抢救成功率为98.97%。作者通过总结中心的组织和实践结果后提出:作为集院前抢救、院内抢救、重症监护为一体的急救单位符合我国国情,特别是适合城镇地区。严重创伤急救要做到分秒必争,要具备现代化通讯,方便的交通环境和良好的运输工具,救护车上有良好的院前抢救设备,有相当数量的、常备不懈的急救专业队伍。实践中总结出:警医结合呼救快,医车结合出车快,内外结合联络快的经验。提出严重创伤伤员的救治,院前快速救送是前提,急诊手术是挽救伤员生命的关键;优化组合急救专业队伍,专业人员一专多能是提高创伤急救医疗质量的重要保证。 On May 13, 1989, Humen Hospital established the “Humen Trauma Emergency Aid Center”, which integrates pre-hospital care, in-hospital rescue, and intensive care. In the past four years, 2,111 vehicles were rescued at the scene of the accident, 1680 hospitalization patients were treated, the hospitalization cure rate was 98.1%, and 1381 rescued critical patients. The rescue success rate was 98.97%. After summarizing the organization and practice results of the center, the author proposes that: As a pre-hospital rescue, hospital rescue, intensive care as one of the emergency units in line with China’s national conditions, especially for urban areas. Severely traumatized first-aid needs to be achieved every minute, with modern communications, convenient traffic environment and good transport tools, good pre-hospital rescue equipment on ambulances, and a considerable number of unrelenting first aid professional teams. In practice, it is concluded that the combination of the police doctors and the call for help is fast, the combination of the medical vehicles and the fast trains, and the experience of combining internal and external connections are fast. The treatment of severely wounded and wounded people is a prerequisite for rapid rescue before hospitalization. Emergency surgery is the key to saving the lives of the wounded. Optimizing the combination of first-aid professional teams and professional and specialized personnel is an important guarantee for improving the quality of emergency trauma care.
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