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本刊讯财政部新闻办公室1月21日宣布,为支持春耕生产,日前,中央财政及时向各省(自治区、直辖市)拨付粮食直补资金151亿元、农资综合补贴资金1071亿元。财政部要求,各省级财政部门要认真做好2013年粮食直补和农资综合补贴兑付方案,尽快组织实施,力争在春耕前将补贴资金兑付到种粮农民手中。又讯为支持地方做好粮食直补和调控工作,日前,中央财政及时拨付2013年粮食风险基金中央补助款315亿元,加上地方配套资金67亿元,目前 The news office of the Ministry of Finance announced on January 21 that in order to support the production of spring plowing, the central finance recently allocated 15.1 billion yuan to the provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government) of grain direct subsidies, and 107.1 billion yuan of comprehensive subsidies for agricultural materials. The Ministry of Finance requires that all provincial-level financial departments earnestly do a good job in implementing the program of direct subsidies for grain and comprehensive subsidies for agricultural materials in 2013 and organize them as soon as possible so that the subsidy funds will be honored to the farmers for grain cultivation before the spring plowing. In addition, the central government recently allocated 31.5 billion yuan of central grant for food risk funds in 2013 and 6.7 billion yuan of local matching funds. At present,
In NH 3 NH 4Cl buffer solution (pH=10) the reaction product of phosphomolybdate with 1,4-dithiothreitol(DTT) can be reduced with a sensitive adsorptive wave
从我家上溯三代,从祖父到父亲再到我,没有人擅长丹青。后来我师从永厚先生习书,先生首先是大画家,然后才是书家,他希望我学画:“我给你纸,给你颜料,你来画画。”老爷子的意思是,画画容易激发人的创造性,而书法很难走出前人的束缚。  “你写来写去,都是别人的,有什么意思。现在这些写字的,大多数是奴隶,没有自己的东西,都是按照别人的来,不是奴隶是什么?你得学学画画。”  我支支吾吾不说话。一来,我对画画不感
A new triazene reagent 1-(6-ethoxyl-2-benzothiazolyl )-3-(4-nitrophenyl)-triazene(EtOBTNPT) has been synthesized. The colour reaction of EtOBTNPT with Hg(II) ha
Wavelet Neural Network (WNN) was employed in a rapid calculation of the atomicelectron affinities, with atomic ionization potentials and atomic electron configu
分子、原子、粒子、中子、电子……这些基本的化学知识在美国教材中是怎么诠释的呢?You have learned that elements are madeof atoms and that an atom is the smallest un