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“相逢便是缘分”是很朴实的一句话,也是一个通行的道理。只是,以前的人们总是在口头上说说,而很少有人有切身体验。但在3599年,几乎所有人都真真切切地感受着这句话带给自己的新鲜和失落。全世界人口终于还是无法阻挡地突破了700亿大关。因为科学技术的飞速发展,地球上到处都住着人,无论是飞沙走石的大沙漠、浩淼无边的大海,抑或是人迹罕至的深山老林,甚至是冰天雪地的雪域高原。放眼世界,每一寸土地上都站立着人。 “Meeting is fate ” is a very simple word, but also a common sense. However, people in the past always talked verbally, and very few people actually experienced it. However, in 3599, almost all people really felt the freshness and loss brought by this sentence. The population of the world has finally managed to break through the 70 billion mark. Because of the rapid development of science and technology, there are people everywhere on the earth, whether it is a desert with flying stones, a boundless sea, or an inaccessible deep forest, or even a snow-covered plateau. Looking around the world, everyone stands on every inch of land.
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习近平总书记发表“全面建成小康社会对依法治国提出了更高的要求”的重要讲话,思想深刻,论述精辟,内涵丰富,是结合十八大精神更加深入开展依法治国的一个总要求。 General
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