掩护成昆铁路勘测队进入小凉山 尖兵过江进驻甘家梁子

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1953年2月,云南永善县发生国民党残匪勾结反动头人纠集200余人,乘夜渡过金沙江洗劫黄坪镇的“黄坪事件”后,中共云南昭通分工委凉山工作团和我西南军区独立第二团随即进驻永善县黄果树。6月下旬,正当我积极准备进军开辟小凉山瓦岗地区工作时,昭通分工委接到上级通知:铁道部西南设计院需要在黄果树地界金沙江北岸彝族地区,进行成昆线走向勘测,要求分工委积极配合,以确保勘测队安全。而当时勘测队要去的下 In February 1953, a total of more than 200 people were found in Yongshan County, Yunnan Province, where more than 200 people from the Kuomintang were involved in the collusion of reactionaries. After spending the night crossing the Jinsha River and looting the Huangping Incident in Huangping Town, the CPC Liangshan Work Corps in Zhaotong, Yunnan Province My second independent regiment of the Southwest Military Region immediately stationed in Yongshan County Huangguoshu. In late June, just as I am actively preparing to enter into the work of opening up the Wagang area in Xiaoshan, Zhaotong Branch received a notice from its superior that the Southwest Design Institute of the Ministry of Railways needs to conduct surveys on the Cheng-Kun line in the Yi area north of the Jinsha River, Sub-working actively cooperate with the investigation team to ensure safety. The survey team was going under the next
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