抓学习运用 促政报发行

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一是把学习政报与贯彻执行党的方针政策结合起来,充分发挥政报传达政令的作用。我们把政报宣传到基层干部中,解决了他们看文件难的问题,各级干部在工作实践中学习政报,运用玫报,指导工作,他们普遍感到办事有依据,说话有份量,减少了工作被动,提高了工作水平,不少的村组干部和党员也通过订阅政报,运用政报解决自己工作中遇到的难题,使政报成了基层干部的良师益友,从而进一步增强了自发订阅《湖北政报》的积极性。二是把学习政报和提高广大干部的执法水平结合起来,充分发挥政报的法律顾问作用。近年来,各级干部通过订阅政报,学习了大量法律、法规知识,法制观念普遍增强,不少的部门把《湖北政报》视为法律顾问。1995年度政报的订阅中,出现了以前少有的特点,经济主管部门,行政执法部门和司法部门订数普遍增加,增幅均在50%以上,最高的达275%。三是把学习政报与抓政策落实结合起来,使政报成为保护 First, we should integrate the study of political issues with the implementation of the party’s principles and policies, and give full play to the role of the political power in conveying the government decrees. We publicized the political propaganda to the grassroots cadres, solved their problems of looking hard at documents, and learned cadres at all levels of cadres in their work practices and used them to guide their work. They generally felt that there was a basis for doing things, Passing the work and raising the standard of work, many village cadres and party members also solved the problems they encountered in their work by subscribing to the government newspaper and using political news, making the political post a good teacher and mentor of the grassroots cadres and further strengthening the spontaneous subscription “Hubei political” enthusiasm. The second is to combine the study of political power with the improvement of the law enforcement level of cadres and bring into full play the role of legal adviser to the political affairs. In recent years, cadres at all levels have learned a great deal of laws and regulations through subscribing to the government newspaper, and have generally enhanced the concept of the legal system. Many departments regard the “Hubei Political Bulletin” as their legal adviser. In the subscription of the 1995 Annual Political Bulletin, there were rare features previously. The number of economic departments, administrative law enforcement departments and judicial departments generally increased, with the growth rates both above 50% and the highest ones reaching 275%. The third is to combine the study of politics with the implementation of the policy so that the political power becomes a protection
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