《广西通志·少数民族语言志》是一本全面而系统地反映广西境内民族语言面貌的学术著作。该《语言志》填补空白 ,语种多样 ;体例完备 ,详略适当 ;语料丰富 ,描写细致。除了以已有的研究成果为基础 ,在撰写过程中还专门进行了相应的调查 ,保证了描写的真实性 ,实现了侧重性、系统性和详略性的编写意图。该《语言志》为 2 1世纪进一步深入研究广西境内民族语言奠定了新的坚实基础 ,对中国境内语言的宏观描写和比较研究具有极其重要的参考价值。
“Guangxi Tongzhi minority language Chi” is a comprehensive and systematic reflection of the national language in Guangxi’s academic writings. The “language Chi” to fill the gaps, language diversity; style complete, well-detailed appropriate; corpus rich, detailed description. In addition to the existing research results based on the specific process of writing in the corresponding investigation, to ensure the authenticity of the description, to achieve a focused, systematic and detailed preparation intent. This “linguistic blog” laid a new solid foundation for further studying the national languages in Guangxi in the 21st century, and has an extremely important reference value for the macroscopic portrayal and comparative study of the languages in China.