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本刊2010年第13期刊发的《甘肃徽县八百村民状告铅污染》,引起了甘肃省委省政府的重视,省委派出工作组到徽县调查指导。徽县法院在今年8月通知受害村民的代理律师与污染企业的代表进行谈判,虽经反复磋商,还是无果而终。9月底,本刊记者再次来到徽县,对这一案件进行了追踪报道。 Published in 2010 No. 13 issue of “Eight Hundreds of Villagers in Gansu Province sued for lead pollution,” Gansu Provincial Party Committee and provincial government attracted the attention of the provincial party sent a working group to Huixian investigation guidance. In August this year, Huixian County Court informed the villagers’ victimized attorney that they had negotiated with representatives of polluting enterprises. After repeated consultations, they failed fruitlessly. By the end of September, the reporter again came to Huixian, tracking the case.
Objective To assess the value of joint detection of serum cysteine proteinase inhibitors C(sCys-C),urinary kidney injury molecule 1(uKIM-1),urinary neutrophil g
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目的在美国,为确定CT辐射剂量指数在肾绞痛诊断中的研究应用,其中包括减低剂量的技术的使用频率以及任何与剂量指数高低相关的机构水平的因素。材料与方法 Purpose In the U
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绍兴市房地产管理处原主任周国强的落马颇有戏剧性:去年,面对查出癌症晚期的妻子,周国强提出了离婚。于是,妻子忿然向有关部门实名举报,最终将周国强及情人送进了监狱。 Zho
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