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在当今社会,英语早已突显其重要地位,而较强的口语能力已成为当代大学生英语学习综合能力提高的重要标志之一。如何有效开展英语口语教学是目前我国大学英语教学亟待解决的难题之一。本文从我国大学生英语学习的现状出发,针对当代中国学生能读不能说的通病,从教材、课堂教学方法、教师能力与素质等方面粗略探析了大学英语口语教学的策略,从而帮助学生去适应社会的发展,满足社会的需要。 In today’s society, English has long accentuated its importance, and its strong oral ability has become one of the most important signs of contemporary college students’ improvement of their overall English learning ability. How to effectively carry out Oral English teaching is one of the most urgent problems to be solved in college English teaching in our country. Based on the current situation of college students ’English learning in our country, aiming at the common problems that contemporary Chinese students can not read, this article roughly analyzes the strategies of college English oral teaching from the aspects of teaching materials, classroom teaching methods, teachers’ abilities and qualities, so as to help students adapt to society The development, to meet the needs of society.
Temperature dependence of microscopic properties in diblock copolymer films has been investigated by dissipative particle dynamics simulations.Results show the
英语文学作品是宝贵的真实语言材料,不仅探讨普世价值和人类的共同关切,而且其文字内容非常符合生活实际,对于正在吸收语言资料的学生来说,十分重要。 English literary wor
满语书面语方位词dergi"东"、wargi"西",在现代满语口语中演变为d(e) rgi"西"、vεrgi"东".满语口语d(e)rgi"西"、vεrgi"东"的语义形成与满族的尊西卑东习俗有关.
This paper investigates the synchronization and circuit implementation of a new hyperchaotic Lorenz system.This system is generated by controlling a generalized