不断总结 不断交流 一定把毛主席哲学思想学到手

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在党的九届二中全会公报的指引下,我连广大革命职工遵照伟大领袖毛主席“让哲学从哲学家的课堂上和书本里解放出来,变为群众手里的尖锐武器”的教导,各班组普遍成立工人学哲学小组。为了抓好典型,交流学习经验,我们经常召开全连活学活用毛主席光辉哲学思想讲用会。一次讲用会上,一○一班和三○一班汇报了他们的学习体会。 Under the guidance of the Communique of the Second Plenary Session of the Ninth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, even the great revolutionary workers, guided by Chairman Mao’s “great philosophy of liberating philosophy from philosopher’s class and books and turning it into a sharp weapon in the hands of the masses” Each team set up a workers’ philosophy group. In order to do a good job of typical and exchange of learning experiences, we often hold a seminar that invites Chairman Mao Zeng to use his philosophical thinking. Speaking at the meeting, class 101 and class 301 reported their learning experiences.
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