与孩子共乐,是妈妈给孩子深情的关爱。下面是美国威斯康星州立大学儿童教育研究中心主任麦杰琳女士谈她做妈妈的经验与体会,可供借鉴。我的经验是做妈妈的得变个身份,也作一个儿童——当然这是一种权术,一种美丽的权术。用文学的语言来说,就是将自己的心变为孩子的心,以求拥有共同的语言, 我女儿上幼儿园时,每天都要带手帕,用别针别在胸前。有一阵,我给她买了几块白手帕,她也没有什么想法,
A total of children with children, is the mother’s affectionate love. The following is the United States, Wisconsin State University Children Education Research Center, Ms. Ma Jielin talk about her mother’s experience and experience, for reference. My experience is to become a mother to become a status change, but also as a child - of course, this is a kind of tactics, a beautiful trick. In the language of literature, it is to transform one’s heart into a child’s heart in the hope of having a common language. When my daughter goes to kindergarten, she takes a handkerchief every day and does not put a pin on her chest. For a while, I bought her a few white handkerchiefs, she had no idea,