近日,屡屡见到报端提起公车迎亲之风狠刹不止,且成“上有政策,下有对策”,变着法儿愈演愈烈之势,究其原因,就是个“势”的问题。势是什么?就是指架子、派头、力度等,有权势、才势、貌势、地势、优势……其实势这东西很早就有人讲究了。 古代的高官贵族,文臣武将,入朝回府都是鸣锣开道,骑马坐轿,威风凛凛;如今个别领导干部迎亲队伍之壮观,宝马、奔驰前面警车开道,摆开一字长蛇之阵,首尾
Recently, it has been repeatedly reported that the newspaper filed a brutal ban on the road to meet her relatives and made “a policy on it with countermeasures” changing the trend of Fa Er’s intensification. The reason for this is the issue of “potential”. Is the potential? It refers to the shelf, style, strength, power, talent, topography, topography, advantages ...... In fact, this thing has long been someone stress. The ancient high officials and nobility, civil and military commanders, into the back to the capital are Mingluochengdao, riding a sedan chair, majestic; now leading cadres of individual leaders spectacular, BMW, Mercedes-Benz front of the police car park, put the word serpent battle array,