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据台湾《纸业新闻》报道,由于受到国际纸浆价格10月调价的影响,台湾各文化用纸厂已决定自今年10月1日起,调高文化用纸的售价。调幅约为7~8%,每磅纸调高售价约新台币0.8元。目前台湾文化用纸售价为:铜版纸每磅约15.5元,道林模造纸每磅约13.5元(以上均以期票未税价为基准)。据台湾造纸公会统计,今年以来的文化用纸每月销量一直都大于产量,且无论涂布铜版纸类或道林模造纸类的库存量均月月下降,外销则月月增长。如与去年比较,今年以来的月产量比去年下半年文化用纸低迷时期还要低,而月销量则有所增长。其中内销量渐渐恢复生机,外销量更超越去年上 According to Taiwan’s “Paper News”, due to the impact of international pulp price adjustments in October, Taiwan’s cultural paper mills have decided to increase the price of cultural paper from October 1 this year. The amplitude is about 7-8%, and the price per pound is about NT$0.8. At present, the price of Taiwan’s cultural paper is: about 15.5 yuan per pound for coated paper and 13.5 yuan per pound for Dolin mould paper (these are based on the non-tax price of the promissory notes). According to the statistics of the Taiwan Paper Association, monthly sales of cultural paper have been higher than the output this year, and the amount of inventories of coated coated paper or Dolin molded paper has declined month by month. Exports have increased month by month. If compared with last year, the monthly output this year is lower than the downturn of cultural paper in the second half of last year, while the monthly sales volume has increased. In which the internal sales gradually returned to life, the sales volume surpassed that of last year.
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