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举世瞩目的世界第三斜拉桥——上海南浦大桥,已于1991年6月建成通车。该桥为全飘浮体系的双塔双索面迭合梁斜拉桥,总长8.6km,主桥长846m,江中无桥墩,跨距423m。主桥是由钢梁和钢筋砼大板等组成的叠合梁结构,桥面宽30.35m,标高50m,通船净高46m。黄浦江东西两岸设有154m高的桥塔,主桥面依靠180根斜拉索悬挂在两岸的桥塔上,呈飘浮状态,斜拉索索面呈扇形状。主桥施工从东西两岸的桥塔开始,分别向江、岸两侧对称地逐段向外延伸(见图1)。 The world’s third cable-stayed bridge, the Shanghai Nanpu Bridge, was opened to traffic in June 1991. The bridge is a double-tower twin-plane composite beam cable-stayed bridge with a total floating length of 8.6km and a main bridge of 846m. There is no pier in the river and the span is 423m. The main bridge is a laminated beam structure consisting of steel beams and reinforced concrete slabs. The bridge surface is 30.35m wide and has an elevation of 50m. The net height of the ship is 46m. There are 154m tall towers on the east and west banks of the Huangpu River. The main bridge deck is suspended on the bridge towers on both banks by 180 cable stays. It is in a floating state. The cable planes of the stay cables are fan-shaped. The construction of the main bridge starts from the bridges on both sides of the east and west sides, and extends to the sides of the river and the bank symmetrically and sectionally (see Figure 1).
在浙江省湖州市开展的“红领巾与文明同行——争当南太湖好少年”主题活动中,长兴县雉城二小以传统节日为契机,不断创新活动形式,引导队员们奉献爱心、感受真情。 In Huzhou
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万老师: 您好! 我正面临一件特别烦心的事,可自己又不知道究竟该怎么办。事情是这样的,我已经是五年级的学生了,原来我的成绩还说得过去,可现在居然连班上的前30名都进不了。
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