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江泽民总书记关于“三个代表”的重要论述,揭示了党的先进性的实质和内涵,是新形势下对各级党组织和全体共产党员提出的新要求。其中,“代表最广大人民的根本利益”的论述,发展了毛泽东“全心全意为人民服务”的宗旨观念,是我们一切工作的出发点和落脚点,是“三个代表”的最终归宿。所以,每个共产党员都应当把代表最广大人民的根本利益作为自己义不容辞的责任。 就我们国有企业来讲,能不能代表职工群众的根本利益,是检验我们各级党组织工作优劣的惟一标准,是检验广大党员党性强不强的重要标准。这句话,说起来比较容易,但真正做到是比较难的。从当前情况看.什么是职工最大的利益,我认为,同心同德办好企业,是职工最大的利益;提高职工的生活水平是职工最大的利益;搞好安全生产,是职工最大的利益。要代表好职工群众这些利益,根本之举,是发展经 General Secretary Jiang Zemin’s important exposition on “three represents” has revealed the essence and content of the advanced nature of the party and is a new request made to party organizations and all communists at all levels under the new situation. Among them, the discourse on “representing the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people” has developed Mao Zedong’s concept of “serving the people whole-heartedly.” It is the starting point and the foothold of all our work and the ultimate goal of the “three represents.” Therefore, every member of the Communist Party should regard it as its unshirkable responsibility to represent the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people. As far as our state-owned enterprises are concerned, whether we can represent the fundamental interests of the workers or the masses is the only criterion for testing the work of our party organizations at all levels and is an important criterion for testing the party’s strong and weak nature. This sentence is easier said than done, but really hard to do. In the current situation, what is the greatest interest of the staff and workers? I think it is the best interests of the staff and workers to run the enterprise in unity. It is the best interests of the staff and workers to improve their standard of living. To improve safety in production is the best interest of the staff and workers. To represent these interests of the workers and the masses, the fundamental move is to develop the economy
6月5日凌晨1点,苹果CEO库克在第29届苹果全球开发者大会上,一如既往地吐槽了安卓的操作系统——苹果有50%的客户在七周之内更新了iOS11,超过81%的用户更新了最新的系统,而与此同时,只有6%的安卓用户会选择更新最新的系统,这个更新的系统,用库克的话来说,几乎“和空气一样不存在”。  库克的自信是有道理的。正如库克所言,iOS如今已经是全球最大的手机应用市场,苹果像个大地主一样管理着它广袤的
一   在开创新世纪中国先进文化事业的历史时刻,深入学习贯彻江泽民同志“三个代表”的重要思想,明确中国共产党在代表中国先进文化前进方向中的历史使命,对于建设有中国特色
几年来 ,河北省水利厅认真贯彻党的十四届六中全会和党的十五大精神 ,坚持以人为本 ,以培育“四有”职工为目标 ,内强素质 ,外塑形象 ,为水利改革和建设提供了精神动力、智力