早产儿佝偻病发病率高,除考虑因其出生时钙和磷储备较少,生后生长发育迅速,对钙需要量相对较多外,可能还与其25—羟胆骨化醇(25OHD)水平受孕龄影响而出生时较低有关。目前关于早产儿脐血与母血25OHD 水平的相互关系及孕龄对25OHD 水平影响的研究资料不多。本文通过测定早产儿脐血及其母血,足月儿脐血的25OHD 水平,血钙和血磷浓度,以了解早产儿脐血25OHD 水平和与母血25OHD 的相互关系,以及
The incidence of rickets in preterm infants is high, except for the calcium and phosphorus reserves at birth, rapid growth and development after birth, and relatively high calcium requirements, which may also be related to the level of 25-hydroxycholecalciferol (25OHD) The impact of age is lower on birth. At present, there is not much data on the relationship between 25OHD levels in preterm infants and maternal blood and the influence of gestational age on 25OHD levels. This article by measuring the umbilical cord blood and their maternal preterm children, umbilical blood of full-term children with 25OHD levels, serum calcium and phosphorus concentrations in order to understand the level of 25OHD in preterm children with umbilical cord blood 25OHD and maternal interrelationship, and